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  • in reply to: The Artist’s Sketchbook: Figures in Gouache | Part 3 #117652
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    @DeborahWage Any other recommendations?
    I’ll throw any of the “beginner’s guide to drawing” randomly into the pot. It’s information I don’t need AND sometimes they kind of annoy me. But they stand an equal chance at simply wanting me to draw.
    I don’t even know why I began watching them but I’m glad I did. Again, at random. I think I might just like hearing people talk about drawing.

    in reply to: An Introduction to Art Philosophy #116985
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    Side note: I have no love for the renaissance.

    in reply to: An Introduction to Art Philosophy #116822
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    Anyone watching Pt 3 and ready to take notes from the white board – don’t. I love taking board notes, but it quickly becomes a can of smashed arsheholes.
    Just listen. Ignore the board.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by cleverdevil76.
    in reply to: The Artist’s Sketchbook: Figures in Gouache | Part 3 #116811
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    With so much quality content on this site, this series on the sketchbook might be the single most valuable bit of mentorship anyone is likely to come across.
    Just when you start getting exhausted and self doubt is at every corner……
    and I think I watched it in pieces over the course of a month maybe. Lots of other art in-between. Lots of other teaching/lessons. Various practices.
    I wasn’t expecting to come back to this and close out on such a re-affirming high note. Was anyone else moved?

    in reply to: The Artist’s Sketchbook: Gouache | Part 2 #115840
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    I just want to throw in my 2 cents of Steve Huston love. I think I recall him saying in a Proko video that what he really does well is talk. He can bullshit (paraphrase?).
    Beyond the real education he’s providing, I just appreciate so much, the seemingly tertiary information he gives in his lessons.
    In regards to art, they say that art is not learned in a vacuum.  Emphasizing the importance of peer feedback and mentor feedback. Most importantly, someone to talk to about the things you’re trying to learn. Banal things. Things that you’re usually all alone while trying to work out “I’m trying to get this colour by doing this but the light and the thing and the thing.” just simple none sense. He talks you through the “trying” part. He’s WITH YOU for the trying part by vocalizing his own trying. ‘Bullshitting’ if you will.
    An equal amount of respect goes to Glen Vilppu, but Glen is a whole different category. He will never be my/your mentor. If we can separate mentor and teacher, Mr. Vilppu is a teacher. Not “just” a teacher” Maybe the greatest teacher still living, but Steve Huston is a mentor as well. It feels very big brothery. I’m just so grateful.
    And maybe I shouldn’t day-drink and comment, but no one else had begun a discussion. So….

    Back to it.

    in reply to: Drawing the Figure: Proportions #110137
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    I wouldn’t want him to go slower and baby the lesson, but the information is too much and too fast to keep up with in a comprehensive way.
    Is that just me? I’m ok with that if it is, but I couldn’t imagine being in a class where this lesson is one time, one shot – onto the next.
    I’ve watched #3: understanding proportions several times. Drawing along is impossible. But I have notes!!

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    7 minutes into the pontormo analysis and I’m exhausted. I’m going to watch Mr Galieote’s series because I’m really interested in the over-all subject matter, as I feel lost in establishing/finding my own style. But he’s like “and look at this line here.” and “I love this here. How I can tell that the shoulder is working harder….and this curve here. I love this part and I love this part”.
    It’s exhausting because I see these things as basic anatomy – not artistic brilliance. Like, that line curves that way because that’s a hip, and the model is seated in such a way that if that line wasn’t there, it would be a whole other issue. Yes, the figure is rendered beautifully, but I’m not getting the excitement over any particular line choices. Tricep, thigh, shoulder……
    I know. I’m only 7 minutes in, but I saw the discussion button and wondered if anyone else had quickly been frustrated by how the lesson feels poorly improvised.
    Only 7 minutes…
    I hope this isn’t a waste of time….
    7 minutes…..what do I know anyway? I don’t know anything. This is gonna be great.
    7 minutes down. Back at it….

    in reply to: The Artist’s Sketchbook: Watercolor & Pen | Part 1 #109540
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    @ManuelFernandez he said that they don’t sell them any more, but suggests using scrapbook pages, which is the same thickness of paper, and taking it to a kinkos of office depot type place to have it bound.

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