Josseline’s 100 Day Challenge: Sketchbooking

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    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Day 3 – Polychromos. I got caught up painting so quickly got these in before going to bed. I have to keep reminding myself I have also prioritize drawing  to improve in order for my paintings to improve as well.

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Day 3 – Polychromos. I got caught up painting so quickly got these in before going to bed. I have to keep reminding myself I have also prioritize drawing  to improve in order for my paintings to improve as well.

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Nice work. Obviously I am not seeing you draw but my guess is that you are drawing quickly. Try slowing down. You can draw in exactly the same way but just slow it way down as as you’re making your lines use the extra time to think ahead to where you are going.

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you. Yes, very quickly. I find I don’t strike the balance with my speed. I either draw far too quickly with the idea to get over hesistance and lack of confidence, but when I try to focus on better control and accuracy, I slow down far too much. I appreciate the feedback, I will try my best to apply it.

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    These are great practices, a lot of my sketch book pages look like these too! Keep up the great work!

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Thanks. Ah that’s reassuring to here. I understand that we all want to share our more developed and nicer works, but I wanted to be frank with these posts and not put any pressure with onto myself with having to “perform”.

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    Hi Josseline!

    So glad to see that you are practicing your cross contours and cylinders! I love drawing birds myself so I love these drawings! If you like drawing birds and are looking to challenge yourself even more, I would recommend checking out the Helmeted Hornbill! Keep up the good work!


    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Paul – Yes! Cross contours help me to think about going around the axis and form to better think in 3d space. Ah neat! I love birds, so I want to start drawing them more. Oh yes they’d be fun to draw. Are you familiar with the bird artist Vanessa Foley? If not, you must check out her work – incredible painter. Cheers!

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Dane*** Apologies. I’m flipping through several posts, so getting my names muddled up.

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Day 3: First use of fountain pen. Took a bit to get the hang of it. I got a cheap pack for a couple dollars with 3 nibs and preloaded ink tubes. I enjoyed using it. I think I’ll get myself a better one sometime soon. Pushed myself to try draw a figure from imagination. I’m currently working through The Spirit of the Pose so I want to start incorporating imaginative gesture sketches to really challenge my conceptual understanding.

    Graphite study of a painting by Hugh Ramsay. I have this painting as my current mobile lockscreen, so I wanted to start understanding what underlies the pull I have to the image.

    No points.

    These are very good pages of exploring texture and technique. Really nice.

    No badges. No points.

    I have a problem with going too fast when doing my studies as well. It looks so free and simple when you see the masters do it. I love seeing those pages fill up in your sketchbook! Keep ’em comin’.

    Birgith ScheiBirgith Schei
    No points.

    I like the human body Drawings.💐👍

    No points.

    It looks like you’re well on your way to being able to draw a figure from your imagination. It’s amazing to me that people can paint before they can draw. I mostly draw and rarely paint. I can’t wait to see how your sketchbook evolves over time. I just saw that Rey Bustos critiqued one of your sketchbook pages! Good job!

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 96 total)

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