Josseline’s 100 Day Challenge: Sketchbooking

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Josseline’s 100 Day Challenge: Sketchbooking

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  • #484818
    Lucas a.k.a Lucas a.k.a “Roams”
    No badges. No points.

    awesome drawings 🙂 birds are really satisfying to paint but the feathers can get a bit tedious sometimes xD still well worth it though

    No badges. No points.

    I love your birds and faces! The form is so well done and inspiring!! Keep up the great work 🙂

    No points.

    By the look of your ellipses I think that you need to be more relaxed when drawing.

    Try to hold the pencil like that (you can hold the pencil as you want when drawing but that’s just for exercising). Get a good distance from the paper, your hand, your arm and your shoulder need to be relaxed. And then make the ellipse with all your body. Make the gesture with your body as a pianist move his body whith the music. Don’t care if your ellipses look incomplete, faint or if there is a little overshoting.  Try to “ghost” the ellipse once or twice and then make the actual ellipse.


    Your ducks show an understanding of 3d forms that is not common. You are going to be good.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by RosaLarrosa.
    Birgith ScheiBirgith Schei
    No points.

    I like your ducks. Have you had a model (live animal or photo) to study when making them, or do you draw from your imagination?

    No points.

    Hi Josseline. Your studies get better every day! I like that you draw such a variety of subjects. Birds are tough. Yours are very nice!

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Hi all,

    I wanted to apologize for my long absence from this challenge.

    I was reaching a point of feeling very overwhelmed balancing the challenge along with my course studies for Spirit of the Pose and the Russian Drawing course, along with doing some painting. What I had set out was eating away from time working on those aspects, which at this current stage I need to focus on more. I was also trying to reply to as many threads as I could on here. I felt it wouldn’t be ideal to only post my work and reply minimally to others.

    Sincerest apologies again. I may restart this challenge, but set it out related to my coursework. Not sure. Either way, I have spent time looking at some threads and has been inspiring seeing everyone’s hard work and progress!


Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 96 total)

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