Raven’s 2nd 100 Day Challenge

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Raven’s 2nd 100 Day Challenge

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  • #1221231
    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Day One:

    This new challenge is a documentation of my journey to becoming a working professional. I’m currently focused mostly on portraits, but the subject matter will likely shift and evolve. I’m getting some outside coaching, so my practice will be informed by that feedback as well.  I’m a relative beginner, so the journey will go past 100 days. Nevertheless, I love the 100 day challenge for the accountability.

    Today’s post is an assignment from the Beginning Head Drawing class.

    skull practice

    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Day 2

    Still working on portraits and the head drawing class. This was an extension of the exercise. The exercise was to trace the reference photo and practice making the shadow shapes. Then draw it again. I decided to paint it instead, because Fun.


    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Day 3

    Today I continued the Beginning Head drawing class and worked on my portrait project. I did one of the Russian class exercises as a painting instead of  drawing. This is oil on canvas 16 x 20.


    Elya ZagelElya Zagel
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Raven.
    The first portrait reminded me the “Blue and rose period” of Picasso.
    Very gentle )

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Elya ZagelElya Zagel.
    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Hi, Elya, thank you!

    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Day 4

    Kept working on my watercolor play. I have about 3 more to go. I created my art schedule for the week, so as long as there are no more blackouts, I should have a pretty productive week!


    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Day 5

    Today I finished up my watercolor portrait series. They were all based on the same model. The goal was to get her to look like 5 different people.



    portrait all

    Carlos Perez
    No badges. No points.

    You just nailed it with the grl with the yellow hair. I loved it though you could take it to the next level variating your line quality.


    Marcolino EstuardoMarcolino Estuardo
    No badges. No points.

    Cool. Awesome that you’re continuing. I like the sensitivity on the pink skin blonde painting. Keep going.

    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Hi, Carlos and Marcolino, thank you, thanks for commenting!

    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Day 6

    Still working on the Beginning Head Drawing class. Today I worked on the likeness drawing and spent some time setting up my Facebook page. I have one more likeness pose from that lesson which I hope to complete tonight.


    No badges. No points.

    Hi Raven! I was excited to see that you have started another challenge! Your last one was very impressive, and I look forward to following your progress in this one. Your anatomy studies are definitely adding strength and structure to your portraits. And I love, love, love the colors in your watercolors! Have you ever seen Alayne Sahar’s work? Her pieces are very beautiful and spiritual. Your latest pieces remind me of hers!

    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Jan!!

    My old New Masters friend. I appreciate the welcome back. Thank you, I’m in an experimentation mode right now, so I appreciate the feedback. I’ve always been drawn to muted colors and black and white, but it was really fun playing with color. I will definitely check out Alayne Sahar because I want to start moving more in the direction of vibrancy and color. Thanks for the tip.

    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Day 7

    I finished the likeness exercise and the went on to the facial features exercise. Yuck. I found the features exercise really unsatisfying. I’m realizing that I have a weakness in terms of drawing features out of context. Even trying to draw a bit of a face around them didn’t really work. I think that’s why I can’t draw out of my imagination yet. So, as yucky as it is, I need to keep working on this weakness until it’s no longer a stumbling block.




    Raven KushnerRaven Kushner
    No badges. No points.

    Day 8

    Today I did not have a lot of time, but I continued on with the individual features exercise. It was much easier today because I treated it simply like an exercise, numbering the paper and doing each feature individually. I only did eyes today, but eventually I’ll complete the nose and mouth as well. 30 each.

    I’m starting a one-year art intensive at the end of the month, in addition to my normal full time day job, so I’ll have to see if I can continue this particular challenge. But in the meantime, I’m making the most of the time I DO have!


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