Paul’s 100 Day Challenge; Sketchbook

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Paul’s 100 Day Challenge; Sketchbook

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  • #456648
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    I’ve always struggled to consistently use a sketchbook. Looking at Steve Huston’s sketchbook videos have inspired, (and intimidated), me. So for the next 100 days I will fill one page of my sketchbook with studies each day. These will be primarily pen and ink. Every other day I will do a small study in watercolor, ink wash or gouache (which I’ve always struggled with). If I do more than one page I’ll post those too, (even if they suck),

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by PaulDidier.
    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Paul,

    This is a fantastic challenge to set for yourself. Consistency is so important as artists. I too struggle with using my sketchbook consistently, I tend to use it only a couple times a week at best, because I get tied up doing other art things and forget I need to work in my sketchbook too.

    Ah those lecture series are great. I’m up to the last gouache lesson. Are you planning to set up separate sketchbooks as he suggests or have one to mass in all your work? Pushing yourself to do a couple colour studies will be good. I’ve found pushing yourself to do things that you’re uncomfortable with really helps to free you up more as an artist.

    And yes post any pages you do – don’t worry if they suck. I often just do lines, ellipses, cubes and cylinders when I’m feeling mentally drained. Any bit of practice counts 🙂

    No points.

    Hi Josseline,

    Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll probably have at least two sketchbooks. After posting my initial statement I thought I might also do some pencil drawings. Since one of my sketchbooks is toned paper that wouldn’t work too well with pencil I think I’ll do at least one more on white paper.

    After posting my challenge my first thought was, “Wow, that’s not so challenging,” but when I started it I found it harder than I thought. I did two pages yesterday but by the end of the day I was too tired to post them. That’s another thing I’ll have to work on. Getting the discipline to not only do the drawings but photograph or scan them and post them.

    This coronavirus thing is really bizarre. I’m stuck at home and find I have an almost endless list of chores, projects or “should do’s” to tackle.

    Thanks again for the encouragement.

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Great idea. Can’t wait to see!

    No points.

    Can’t seem to post anything. I’ve sent an email to NMA. If anyone has a suggestion I’d appreciate it.

    Lucas a.k.a Lucas a.k.a “Roams”
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    Hey paul. I think i had the same issue. and just tried to post a new topic and it worked the second time. maybe give that a try while you’re waiting for a reply.

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Paul,

    I think I’ll be working in a couple sketchbooks too. I have one where I do the bulk of my rough sketches and doodling, I have one that I like to do my master studies, and another for coloured pencil or toned work, so I’ll likely continue with that for this challenge.

    Yeah that’s right. I am finding the same. Will have to keep the comments brief at times when you have a busier day. I have been keeping myself as busy as possible, part of it is to keep myself mentally distracted. Being stagnant allows my mind to wander too much.

    You’re welcome and likewise

    In case you haven’t read my comment to the technical difficulty – try uploading one image per comment. That worked for me. I have mosted more than one on other threads in other forums on here, but it’s not seeming to work here.

    No points.

    Hi Paul,

    Those videos by Steve Huston, along with your goal, resonate with me as well. I’ve been intending to work daily on something small and achievable but I’m such an all-or-nothing person that it’s difficult for me to get in the mindset of small tasks–or even five minutes a day–are a huge success! Sounds like a great goal; I’m looking forward to tagging along!

    No badges. No points.

    Can’t wait to see your work Paul! This 100 day challenge is super motivating, I’m feeling the accountablility ahhh

    No points.

    Okay, so here’s my first day pages. Starting by just doing sketches from the “Daily Drawing Session” on NMA’s site. Added a couple of more of the same model, (Monika), from the images page.

    No points.

    I’m trying to post my images from yesterday again. Hope these go through this time.

    So these are simply sketches from the NMA Daily Drawing Session. I added a couple of other images from the model’s image page (Monika).

    No badges. No points.

    Thank you for sharing, Paul. I like the way you are expressing the gesture and form. It will be amazing to watch the progress.

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Paul, awesome work. I think your images came through both times

    No points.

    I was afraid of that. Sorry about the double post. I posted the first one on, I believe the 8th. By the date on the post it didn’t go through until about 24 hours later. I’ll try to just post one time in the future!

    Theo Whiteman
    No badges. No points.

    really nice work Paul!

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