Basic Tools and Materials

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  • #2361863
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    Hi all, I’ve never used an electric eraser before. I picked one up at Hobby Lobby, CURATE+Colour brand. It is difficult to get it to stay on (hurts to push the button) and as soon as it contacts the paper’s surface it stops moving anyway. Any suggestions for a better electric eraser? I  like the control it seems to give the instructor in week 3.



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    Hi I am a new artist to NMA, starting with the fundamentals course and introducing myself here as part of the first assignment! glad to meet everyone

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    Hello all,

    The Assigment linked me to this thread.

    I am not completely new to art as I did do some sketches and other things before coming here. I am still quite bad at art but I decided to ‘take it to the next level’ and I hope that NMA can help me with that. Here linked some of my art.!AjWTU_TRN-H4gctzDk_QZji5aLFCnA!AjWTU_TRN-H4gcw7AkjVkiRRW_784w!AjWTU_TRN-H4gcw6hOImvDd3WYQASw

    Alex SturgeAlex Sturge
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    hey guys my name is alex sturge and im an artist in training,i like heavy metal and cute artwork(i know super weird) but heres my current setup so far, ill be moveing soon so hopefully by then i can get a drafsmens table instead of the setup i have now

    Brooke Jelly
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    Hello, my name is Brooke. I am a wife, mother and I love creating. My creativity usually comes out through my homemaking, but I have missed art and have struggled to find time for it since having our daughter 10 months ago. Hopefully, taking formal art lessons will help me take my art more seriously and prioritise that area of myself.

    I’ve mainly done painting so far but I’m excited to go back and work on the fundamentals. My inspirations are the impressionists like Van Gogh and Monet, Disney artists like Eyvind Earle and James Coleman and Youtube channels like Robin Sealark and Minnie Small.




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    Hi. I guess I can go by Cyal while I’m here. I’m a new artist to NMA and am here to learn the basics. My art inspirations are comics, especially Berserk by Kentaro Miura and the Cartoonist Kayfabe youtube channel. I want to be like them and I need all the help I can get.

    Kane FisherKane Fisher
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    Hello! My name is Kane and I’m hoping to start from the ground up. I have some drawing skills already, but I want to make sure I have a solid foundation. My art influencers are Lisa Clough, and Lori Mirabelli currently.

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    My name is sunny (not ma real name) and, my reason for even doing this course is too get good. Since I’m suppose to be at lesson 2 /week2 I’m just goanna end it here thank you.


    Faith Ohlinger
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    My reason for subscribing and doing this course is to fill in the gaps to drawing fundamentals that I missed out on. I’ve been drawing and painting for a long time but I want to take everything to a higher level and this is what I’ve decided I needed to do.

    No points.

    I agree! Really pumped me up for the course.

    No points.

    Hi Brooke! I feel as though we are very similar. I am also a wife and mother who enjoys homemaking/homeschooling as well. I love doing so much for my family but art is something I do for me. Impressionist styles like Monet is an influence of mine too.

    I guess I will use this post as my introduction as well:

    My name is Sunmisola but you can call me Sunmi. I always wanted to go to art school but circumstances alway prevented me from going but I am so glad to have found NMA.  It is exactly the kind of structured art school I have been looking for at a much cheaper price! Ive been painting and doodling since I was a child but never committed to learning the fundamentals until now. I am excited to see where my at goes after applying the knowledge I learn in this course.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by SunmiSunmi.
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    Hi, My name is Claire Maisonneuve, and I started the beginners drawing course in April this year, and am about halfway done. I’m enjoying it very much, and learning a lot. I registered for the live class because I would like critiques on my assignments. I submitted my first assignment on April 12/22. Can I continue the course live, and use the already submitted assignments for future live lessons?

    Khushi Lineswala
    No points.

    Hello, I’m Khushi and I’m really excited to be here. This is some of my previous work.12

    Tamia ChambersTamia Chambers
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    Hi my name is Tamia.

    I’ve been drawing for a couple years now. I want to improve my art skills. My art influences are Caravaggio and Van gogh

    Anna V.Anna V.
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    Hello, my name is Anna. I’m from Germany and I’m studying Game Art. I like to draw with different materials like pencil, charcoal, acrylic, oil paint, watercolour, coloured pencils, pastels and others. I also draw digitally and work with 3D, texturing and animation programs. I like to be inspired by different artists and discover new things.

    Here is a picture of my workplace including some of my art materials. Furthermore a picture of an illuminated skull with improvised means as described in the course. And last but not least some pictures of my work that I made.

    I am looking forward to NMA, the course and the community.
    Best regards,

    WorkplaceLight Exposure Exercise

    Mountains AcrylMountains Procreate

    Morpheus Fanart

    Eagle DrawingEye Drawing

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Anna V.Anna V..
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Anna V.Anna V..
Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 88 total)

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