Lucero’s 100 Day Challenge: Draw, and Don’t Waste Time

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Lucero’s 100 Day Challenge: Draw, and Don’t Waste Time

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    I’m a big fan of Glenn Vilppu and his incredible contributions to the animation industry. I use New Masters Academy for lessons on constructive drawing, composition, and color theory.  I am a new artist, but I have a very specific goal: I want to be able to create ink and watercolor cartoon images like the classic American humor strips and comics.

    My 100 Day Art Challenge is to draw a comic figure (or part of one) every day for 100 days. I was originally going to do 100 days of comic heads, but I want to have the option to work on the body, hands, feet, etc. Here goes nothing!

    I’ve officially changed my 100-Day Art Challenge (it’s totally not against the rules). Over the past 30 days of this challenge, I’ve realized, more than focusing on any specific element of my drawing, that I just need to DRAW. I’ve never drawn so much in my life since I’ve started this challenge, and that’s my main issue. I just need to draw, enjoy the process, explore, and have fun. So that’s what I’m doing here. Will it be pretty? No. Will it be fun? Heck yes.

    Here is a beautiful piece of work from the incredible Winsor McCay:

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Lucero

    Oh I’m so excited to see what you do! especially for the watercolour images. When I think of humor comic strips I think of Gary Larson’s Far Side. Sounds like you’ve been taking the perfect courses for your artistic goals.

    Good luck and smash it!

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    @josselinejeria Thank you for the encouragement! I am excited and nervous about this 100 day journey, but it is very motivating seeing artists jumping in and committing. I’m going to be checking your thread regularly to see you sketchbook updates. Good luck!

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    You’re welcome 🙂 yeah I agree. Ah dear, I already feel so nervous for sharing this, but I wanted to help foster the community, so it’s my small part to contribute. Thanks and same to you

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    Day 1.

    So today I started with some simple balloon heads that I sketched from an old drawing book I have. Then I pulled up some reference from the image library here on NMA and tried to cartoonize (?) Diana from this album:

    I feel like I may be focusing too much on what I see, or maybe not analyzing enough before I draw. It’s hard to tell because I am still a beginner, and there are so many pieces to keep in mind. Anyway, I enjoyed the process. Here are the pages I did tonight:

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
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    Love Winsor McCay. You say you’re a beginner but your work already looks strong to me. Keep going!

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    Wow, nice start. You’re doing a lot! If you keep that up for 100 days your improvement will be amazing!

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Cool drawings!

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    Day 2.

    I tried to build the figure with basic forms tonight. I understand the concept in principle. I never seem to be able to execute it.

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
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    Looks to me that you’re doing it. It’s just difficult. Looks simple but it’s hard to do. That’s the same for everyone. It’s mileage.

    Lucas a.k.a Lucas a.k.a “Roams”
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    these are looking good and i find that concept so hard to execute aswell Lucero. it looks so simple when u watch experienced people do it lol

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
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    I think you are doing so. I think in part it could be because our brain is use to seeing and understanding 2D space as 2D exclusively. To transfer the concept of 3D onto the 2D, using form, goes against what our brain is commonly accustomed doing.

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    With your cylinders make sure that the ellipse ends don’t end up pinched like American footballs. Make them nice and round and as you draw them actually imagine your line is moving back in space then around and towards you again.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo.
    No badges. No points.

    Day 3.

    I did several pages of gesture drawing today that I’m not inclined to post here. I also played with my dip pen while copying some source material, including a detail from the Bayeux Tapestry and some characters from Rudolph Dirks’ 1897 comic strip, The Katzenjammer Kids. Image attached.

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Feel free to post anything, even drawings that aren’t “good” in your eyes.  I think it’s a space here where we can be more honest to the process. These made me smile. You can see your drawings and overall confidence improve as you went along the page.

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