Dane’s 100 Day Art Challenge(2nd Attempt): Portraits/ Head Drawing

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Dane’s 100 Day Art Challenge(2nd Attempt): Portraits/ Head Drawing

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  • #852507
    No badges. No points.

    Day 82,

    Today I’m posting my progress on a portrait i’m working on of actress Lily Collins from one of her movies. I’m still working on the expression and the structure, but so far I’m liking the contrast between the warm colours of the figure and the cool colours of the environment.

    No badges. No points.

    Day 83,

    Today I continued to develop my portrait of the rockstar Meatloaf. I’m still working on developing the structure and expression, but so far I think the colours are definitely working to communicate his personality and type of music!


    No badges. No points.

    Day 84,

    Today I continued to develop my portrait of actress Zendaya, introducing some tone and additional planes to help improve the sense of volume, while at the same time remaining consistent with the initial style. The structure still needs some work, but I’m liking this one so far! 

    No badges. No points.

    Day 85,

    Today I decided to try something different and paint some NC Wyeth heads in procreate. I challenged myself further by leaving the reference painting in colour, and attempting to deduce the values on my own. I mostly focussed on capturing the large simple planes. I really enjoyed this exercise, as I still draw a lot more often than I paint, and I want to continue to diversify my skillset!

    No badges. No points.

    Day 86,

    Today I decided to change up my portrait process a bit, and go entirely with digital media for a change. I typically don’t do my construction sketches digitally and instead do them in pencil or verithin before scanning them and taking them into either procreate or Photoshop. In this case, I started from scratch in Procreate. I still enjoy drawing traditionally more because I can move my whole shoulder and really loosen up, but the one benefit of taking the whole process digital is that I can easily flip my image and be a little more critical during the sketch phase, which will ultimately save time later! This is just the first two sketch layers, but I do want to try and take this one to more of a finish, as I don’t have many non-celebrity portraits in my portfolio!


    No badges. No points.

    Day 87,

    Today I’m working on a portrait of Garth Brooks that I started quite awhile ago, developing the structure and enhancing the expression. I’m definitely really liking Procreate’s painterly qualities!


    No badges. No points.

    Day 88,

    Today I did some ballpoint pen head sketches in my sketchbook.

    No badges. No points.

    Day 89,

    Today I did a portrait of a friend of mine, experimenting with some limited colour in coloured pencils. The aesthetic was inspired by Roy Lichtenstein’s comic themed pop art.

    No badges. No points.

    Day 90,

    Today I continued to work on my portrait of actress Zendaya, improving upon the structure and the 3/4 view. I still have a lot of work to do, but I’m really liking how the warm analogous colour palette is coming together, and I think it suits her personality quite well!

    No badges. No points.

    Day 91,

    Today I continued to develop my Bruce Lee portrait. I made some revisions to the eyes that are extremely wonky, but other than the orbital region, I’m seeing some improvements in the likeness, and I definitely know what my next steps will be in terms of revision and refinement!

    No badges. No points.

    Day 92,

    Today I continued to work on the Bruce Lee portrait, manipulating the lighting a bit, and working more on the orbital region.

    No badges. No points.

    Day 93,

    Today I did a 30 minute value study of one of Joseph Todorovitch’s beautiful portraits. I wanted to experiment with a digital alla prima approach, so I didn’t do a drawing and instead painted in the large notan masses first, then went for the large planes, then indicated some of the details with the little time I had less, as I wanted to keep myself strictly to 30 minutes so as to force myself to make design decisions and consider the overall read more than the details. The edge control and proportions definitely need work in my study, but I’m happy with how much information I was able to capture in a limited amount of time!

    No badges. No points.

    Day 94,

    Today I revisited a portrait I did a few months ago of opera singer Andrea Bocelli. I still like the style and colour selection, but as is the case with most of my portraits, the structure can always be improved. Andrea’s music is great for listening to while drawing and painting by the way! 

    No badges. No points.

    Day 95,

    Today I did a speed paint value study of a Dean Cornwell portrait. Cornwell is a master of both indicating planes and doing it with subtlety, so I wanted to see if I could emulate this approach. Once again the edges are quite unrefined, but having stopped myself after half an hour as part of the exercise, I was more focussed on capturing the major masses.


    No badges. No points.

    Day 96,

    Today I worked on a recent portrait, introducing some refined linework, blocking in notan masses, and exploring some potential colour combinations.

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 128 total)

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