How can we improve the community?

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home Forums Website Suggestions and Wish List How can we improve the community?

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    Manuel MoránManuel Morán
    No badges. No points.

    Making the subdivisions of the sites more easy to access or understand. I am new here and I still have trouble on knowing where to post my work. It would also be cooler if there was a mobile app to take the classes on the outside.

    Natalie MontelongoNatalie Montelongo
    Administrator Badge
    No points.

    Great suggestion, Bart! I am going to share your idea with the NMA team. 🙂

    Natalie MontelongoNatalie Montelongo
    Administrator Badge
    No points.

    Got it, Manuel! I will share your idea with the NMA team. If you need any assistance navigating the NMA forums or site, please feel free to send me an email"> and I will help you out!

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Manuel, any suggestions on how a NMA community app should work?

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    I think it would be better if the students can directly comment on the course like how people make comments on videos on Youtube. It is way easier for the other students to see and respond to the comments instead of going in a discussion post in the forum.

    No badges. No points.

    I think Discord is a really powerful tool for building communities. I’ve seen several other Art groups use it with great success.

    No badges. No points.

    Love all these suggestions! Especially like the idea of more challenges, or themes. I just started the 100 day challenge and it has already helped my productivity and progress exponentially!

    Aidan AndrewsAidan Andrews
    No points.

    I don’t know if it’s a conscious design decision, but I like the community content feeling like it’s very much secondary to the course content since its really easy for students to get distracted, but I do think the margin between the two is wide enough to be shrunk without compromising on that too much. Like I think the forums deter mainly because they’re a little clunky visually, but mostly functionally when uploading photos and referencing others’ posts in a thread (four chan (unsavory place as it is) really has the image thread format nailed down). A smoother thread design on its own I feel like would draw twice as many participants, but also what others here are saying about making there be more entry points to the threads around the site like directly under each lesson rather than just being linked there, or floating on certain pages with threads relating to those pages.

    Aidan AndrewsAidan Andrews
    No points.

    Tags on photo collections in the library for more filtering options (dynamic lighting, dynamic posing, deep perspective). Also I find myself opening a dozen or so images from the library and bookmarking them in my browser to come back to later. If you could save the images to a custom list in the library it’d be easier to pick up where we left off and in a way I think that’d get more progress out of the students since we’d be able to save progress instead of starting over again from the point of picking out the poses to study, which is a time-obstacle to actual practice. Also added bonus, if these lists were sharable you’d get community collections which would create more community activity I think because it’s almost like a non-overt challenge to other members to do their take on the collection, say if someone posted a collection of a few poses from the image library and said “these are some poses I chose to help practice increasingly deeper perspective.” or “leg day.”

    No badges. No points.

    Similar to what Aidan suggested I would like to see either some new folders or the possibility to create our own for figure poses with chosen poses with specific topics to pratice in mind, like a folder with poses centered around foreshortening or a folder with just twisting poses.

    Especially the figure library is huge which is awesome but makes it also quite time consuming to look for specific poses so a feature like that would be nice.

    Curtis HayesCurtis Hayes
    No points.

    I quite like the badges, although I had to look around to figure out how and why they appear so that could be explained some where if it isn’t already, but it would be cool if there was motivation to collect them as they grow in number – two ideas 1 collect badges to be in with a chance every so often to get a premium feature for a month (pick one user for example every few months) 2 build a trophy cabinet page (badges) that we can fill up as a way to track progress through various challenges.

    I agree with others more challenges will build the community and naturally build engagement / support network.

    I think healthy competition is a great idea so longer challenges would be good in different areas of art figure, landscape etc but ultimately that would require a judge of some kind which takes it into the critique/ premium section but if it was once a year and the selected work could go onto a virtual gallery it would be kind of a next level feature 👍 it would be a good way to showcase the output and effectiveness of the training provided to new artists thinking of joining the site.

    more ideas to come 😂

    No badges. No points.

    I’m watching the NMA videos on a smartphone. It has not been possible for me to expand the screen, or make it large enough to fit the smartphone. Is there anyway, you could fix this? Would be especially helpful when watching drawing demonstrations. Thank you.

    Natalie MontelongoNatalie Montelongo
    Administrator Badge
    No points.


    Great idea of more badges! The concept of longer challenges is motivational and sounds exciting. I love this idea so much!
    I will discuss this with the team. 🙂

    Also, the badges are provided by NMA admin once we see participant entrance into a challenge, and completion of a challenge.

    Gayle Phipps
    No badges. No points.

    I would like to see more courses from Stapleton Kearns or similar artists that would be directed toward more intermediate landscape painters, not beginners.

    Robert AnderssonRobert Andersson
    No points.

    There is room for product development at several different levels. This could be Summa Cum Laude, even though the site is now the best available online.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)

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