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Sculpting a Head from Imagination with Jordu Schell

Sculpting a Head from Imagination
Sculpt Realistic Characters from Imagination! Jordu Schell will lead you through his process for creating fantastic characters in clay

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  • Lesson Details
Jordu Schell
Entertainment Arts, Modeling & Sculpture
Head & Portrait
Oil-Based Clay
2h 36s

In this lesson, world-renowned sculptor and concept artist Jordu Schell demonstrates his process of sculpting a human head entirely from imagination. In his clear-cut, approachable teaching style, Jordu will share with you every step of his process from applying the first layers of clay to the armature, to blocking in major forms, to adding finer details to achieve a greater sense of character in your sculpture. Jordu offers expert advise that both beginners and advanced sculptors will find useful, from what materials to use to his thought process behind finding a character.


  • 1 1/2″ Thick Plywood Board
  • Flange
  • Pipe
  • Newspaper
  • Duct Tape
  • Lazy Susan or Modeling Stand
  • Laguna Clay’s WED Clay EM-217
  • Wire Clay Slicer
  • Modeling Palette/Kidney Rake
  • Serrated Round Loop Tool
  • Large Double Serrated Wire End Modeling Tool
  • Small Double Serrated Wire End Modeling Tool
  • Small Single Ended Loop Tool

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