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Perspective 2: Views and Measuring in 1 Point Perspective with Erik Olson

Perspective 2: Views and Measuring in 1 Point Perspective
Learn Perspective for Artists Erik will help you determine scale and measuring in one-point perspective

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  • Lesson Details
Erik Olson
Art Theory
4h 55m 7s
Perspective for Artists

In this second lesson of the series, artist and veteran instructor Erik Olson continues to demonstrate the process of referencing and determining scale in perspective as well as introducing set-up views and measuring in 1 point perspective. You will learn from drawings, lectures, and master paintings in order to show the critical relationship between an artist’s initial excitement over an idea, and the ability to realize a resolved version of that idea.



  • 45-45-90 Transparent Triangle Ruler
  • 30-60-90 Transparent Triangle Ruler
  • Alvin Pro-Matic Lead Holder – 2H Lead
  • Alvin Rotary Lead Pointer
  • T-Square Ruler
  • Protractor
  • Prismacolor Verithin Colored Pencil – Red/Blue
  • Paintbrush
  • Kneaded Eraser
  • Hard Eraser
  • Helix Technical Compass



Beginner Friendly

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