Russian Drawing Course Part 25: Cast of the Proto-Renaissance Bust

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home Forums Courses & Lessons Discussion Russian Drawing Course Part 25: Cast of the Proto-Renaissance Bust

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    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Stephen, Iliya is using our Water Drop Blender

    It’s really great at holding material due to its spongy material, which also makes it great for soft smudging. The water droplet shape allows you to get precise contours too.

    No badges. No points.

    Hi Daniel,

    Once again, thank you for your prompt response.
    I attempted to purchase one on the web link but it looks to me that New South Wales in Australia are both excluded in the drop box options. Is this right?
    Kind regards
    Steve Pearson.

    No badges. No points.

    Hi Stephen, I came across your query and thought I will share what I am using. I have purchased I believe very similar item, that allows me to smudge the pencil and  also looks very similar. Its a makeup sponge, that should be easily found in any shop with cosmetics. Here is the link to how it looks like.

    All the best!


    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Stephen, I added Australia to shipping locations. If you have any more questions about ordering from the store you can reach me directly at “” and ill be happy to assist

    No badges. No points.

    When Iliya says to use harder pencils is he using 2H, 5H or even harder?

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
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    I think it depends on how heavy handed you are. if you have a light touch you could get away with a softer pencil. the point is that you can apply very light marks with your pencil

    jason autentico
    No badges. No points.


    when the instructor put his laying of hatches is there a particular way of laying it in because I tried it and it did not turn out the way I wanted

    it would be great if there was a clarification of how he put his hatches in order on the planes of the drawing,

    the instructor would put in a hatch in a particular direction then add another on the same  spot

    which is confusing to emulate because the earlier hatch is covered by the new one and merges into one value

    No badges. No points.


    In Chapter 8 of the Pre Renaissance Bust with Iliya, he suggests checking out ‘Negroni’?

    Is it a person, technique etc.

    When I search on line all I find is a type of Cocktail drink.

    No badges. No points.


    Can you please shed some light on what is ‘Negroni’?

    When I search, all I find is Cocktails called Negroni.


    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Stephen, He was talking about the artist Pietro Annigoni. We will correct the subtitle soon!

    Tom Garretson
    No badges. No points.

    Am enjoying this course and find the teacher wonderful, but there’s a few things that were passed on to the beginning student that he didn’t address.  I’m not trying to correct or criticize him here, so please understand my intent.   First, when measuring with knitting needles, you need to have your arm fully extended as well as make sure your standing position does not change, or your measurements won’t be correct.
    Second, it took me a while of not seeing my pencil strokes look like his to understand that he was changing his pencils.  I thought, as he insisted at the beginning, that all of the pencils should be 3H.   After doing the cadaver drawing, I’ve finally discovered that this isn’t the case and that he must be changing pencils, because my strokes sure looked different than his in the drawings.   So you might want to elaborate which pencils he uses in the videos, because for a beginner like me, this is essential.
    Thank you.

    Tom G.

    Tanya RanaTanya Rana
    No badges. No points.

    This Renaissance Bust is tougher to create than I thought. .(;

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    The subtlety of forms is indeed challenging, It requires a lot of control

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)

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