Portrait assigment following the russian academic aproach

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  • #552697
    Julián Farias
    No badges. No points.

    I worked on a warm-toned paper stretched on a wood panel, 80 x 70 aprox, sanguine bar and white chalk (I tried to not abuse of it in the high-lights).

    I tried my best, and at first I really enjoyed it and I moved very fast, but later, as I was “finishing it” it started to get very tedious, I have the feeling that something is not working, maybe the man in my drawing does not look like the man in the photograph (maybe it is more cartoony?) , even though I checked the proportions numerous times. Working with the sanguine was an interesting challenge, I think with graphite I would have had more control.

    Alessandra Bonvicini
    No badges. No points.

    This is really good. You captured a beautiful intensity in the eyes and neck.


    No badges. No points.

    Enjoyed looking at this drawing. Thanks for posting it! To date I have only dipped into the lessons for advice due to limited internet access in the past. Must do something like this  myself and post. Is the reference on the NMA website?  without seeing the  reference  I don t wish to say too much..You mention highlights but I feel it would benefit from greater contrast nearer the light source in the head?

    Some of the darker shadow shapes around the Sternocleidomastoid and clavicle area  seem to jump out and are isolated for me. Also the outlines within the shadow shapes would make me want to contribute to the form more.

    You say you felt you started to lose interest? Was it just the head that you were mainly interested in?  Some of the features could be observed more I feel, corners of the mouth, reflective light due to form on the  inside of the near  eye socket , nose to come forward before the far eye contrast wise. If it was me I would work into the drawing  perhaps make studies of eyes , nose and mouth in between? Think about the Hierarchy of tones and things we mention..

    Lastly i will say that it has inspired me to study the Russian Drawing method in a more disciplined and regular way so thank you!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by info14.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by info14.
    Iliya MirochnikIliya Mirochnik
    Instructor Badge
    No points.

    Hi Julian,

    Thank you for working through my course! I think this is a very good portrait! I particularly like the clear attention spent on structural and tonal analysis and I’m really liking the near clavicle and shoulder. Here are some critiques:

    1. I don’t think there’s enough cranium.

    2. The darks on the outer left hand side of the head, on the hair, are too dark and creating too strong a contrast against the paper.

    2.1 The terminator, instead, needed to be the primary locus of contrast.

    3. The left clavicle and sternocléidomastoid are a little too “stringy” to evenly shaded and outlined from top to bottom (left to right)\

    4. The eyes are just a tad too close together.

    5. The side plane of the nose needs to be darker, it needs to read darker (especially the wing of the nose)

    6. I would just hint at a centerline along the sternum. I know that part is not that important in this bust but I feel things are getting a bit muddled down there.

    7. Try to build up more of the medium in important areas of core shadow right after the terminator. Hatching will help add a finished look as well.


    I think if you address these things, either in this piece or in the next one, you’ll really see a difference. But as I said, this is  already at a very good place in a drawing’s development.

    Good luck and keep up the great work!


    Julián Farias
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you Iliya! I was expecting your critique.


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