Introduction to Value and Shadow Scales

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  • #2792087
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
    No badges. No points.

    In this lesson, instructor Joshua Jacobo will introduce you to a crucial lecture on value and shadow scales. You will learn to create three and five-value scales using charcoal, graphite, and a non-black material. Then, Joshua will teach you a technique for creating shadow scales, used to create reliably even “steps” from one value to another. From there, you will utilize the shadow scale to calibrate your value scales. This lesson not only trains you to judge values but also helps strengthen your hatching and blending skills.

    This lesson belongs to the course Drawing Foundation I. This course is designed to empower new students with a structured approach to learning how to draw. Join instructors Steve Huston, Chris Legaspi, Heather Lenefsky, Catherine Bobkoski,  Bill Perkins, Joshua Jacobo, and Mark Westermoe as you learn the fundamentals of perspective, rendering, and composition. After completing this course, you will develop a solid foundation in drawing.

    Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.

    mark lewis
    No points.

    The material used in the lesson is not checked in the material PDF associated with the lesson.

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Mark, thanks for letting us know. Is there some other tool besides the electric eraser that is missing?
    I checked with the education team, and they confirmed that the basic tools you need to complete the assignment should be there. There may be some extra tools that aren’t critical to complete the assignment. But if we missed something, please let us know!

    Rafael Gordillo
    No badges. No points.

    Greetings from Spain and thank you for your splendid courses. I write us for ,in Spain , and for I know , the newsprint paper is not easy to find. Is there any alternative that you can recommend ?

    Jeremiah Matogo
    No points.

    Phew, so that was a long week, and lots of stuff to learn! Quite fun though. And much easier to follow if you do it as you watch the videos.

    Here are my value scales. Non-blended, blended and the shadow calibration scale. I didn’t have a sanguine pencil, so I substituted it with a sepia one.


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