In this series, artist Danny Galieote tackles a challenging topic that everyone eventually faces: how to find your personal voice as an artist. Danny will cover his various influences throughout his artistic career and explains how they helped shape his personal style. In this fourth and final lesson, Danny looks at the work of Venetian Master Jacopo Tintoretto. He will begin with a draw-over analysis, identifying key characteristics in Tintoretto’s work. He then puts pencil to paper to further illustrate these stylistic elements. Following that, he analyzes the work of American painter Thomas Hart Benton and his use of silhouette and simultaneous contrast in his paintings, murals, and lithographs. Danny urges you to glean techniques from the masters just as Benton did with Tintoretto as you solidify your personal artistic style.
- Conté a Paris Sketching Pencil – Black, White
- Strathmore 500 Series Toned Paper
New Masters Academy
16182 Gothard St
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
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