Female Back Nude Pencil on Paper – For Critique

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home Forums Art & Artwork Open Critique Female Back Nude Pencil on Paper – For Critique

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  • #510970
    No badges. No points.

    I would appreciate a critique of this pencil study, from Mark Westermoe’s course. Thank you very much !!!

    No badges. No points.

    Great work! Very well designed value shapes and edge control. The figure is also really really well balanced and volumetric. I think there are a few issues with the background/ environment though, because the figure has a nice sense of directional light from the right side, but the background is very even. I can see the start of some simultaneous contrast where you have added a bit of tone next to the light side to make it pop. I think this is a good choice, and if you just do this a little bit more then the background would be a little less even. Again, I really admire your edge control, and its clear that you have really benefited from Mark’s lesson. One more final note, regarding the feet.They are really well grounded, but the left foot seems a bit scrunched up where the heel is. I think you might have the achilles tendon a bit too far down. Regardless, great work, and I encourage you to do more of these studies because they are really nice to look at!


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