Complete sight size course work

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  • #775319
    Rik Jurriaans
    No badges. No points.

    Hello everybody,

    I’ll be posting my coursework from the complete sight size drawing course here. I have some prior drawing experience but this is my first time working in sight size and accurately trying to draw nature in general.

    I don’t have a scanner so perspective might disturb the drawing a bit, so if you have a solution to this problem im very open to that as well.

    To kick this off I want to share my second bargue drawing with you.

    feedback and comments are very welcome.

    second bargue

    No badges. No points.

    Hi Rick  will need to research bargue drawing  fine drawings which will really pay off  in larger work.

    Kind regards




    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by TimTim.
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