Charles Bargue Plate Drawing Study Group

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    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Hi all,

    I have just recently started working on the Bargue plates. I started with the simple line studies, specifically the one with 12 eye studies. I want to continue working through the course, i.e. using the plates that NMA has on here.

    I thought it could be good to set up small study groups to help give each other support, guidance, accountability and basic feedback, to help each other with our learning.

    Any thoughts?

    No points.

    I’m in two whatsapp groups and do want to so bargue plates so I’d like to join, just might be slow on keeping up! I have the barge book and have been meaning to get through it!

    Sagarika Ganguly
    No badges. No points.

    Hey there! can i join you guys, for the same?


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    I too have been working through the Bargue Plates. I’m working in the 30s now and getting bogged down in all the detail. But if love some accountability. I’m ready to see some of your progress shots.

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Hi @andonlyif @sagarikaganguly @natashanashadka . Apologies for the late reply. Nice to see you all are interested to form a study group! I too have the Bargue book, but I haven’t picked it up for a couple weeks 🙁 I can do about 5-10 hours of Bargue work every week, so will be slow to get through.

    I don’t have any specific ideas of how to set up the study group and how to organise it all, so happy to hear your ideas. I do like the idea of trying to simulate a class environment, like setting a weekly assignment, to help set some structure and accountability but I know this can be tricky if we all vary with the time we can invest each week etc.


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