Basic Drawing Exercises

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  • #2792086
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
    No badges. No points.

    In this lesson, instructors Heather Lenefsky and Chris Legaspi will walk you through how to use and sharpen your pencil. You will begin to experiment with different mark-making techniques through multiple drawing exercises.

    This lesson belongs to the course Drawing Foundation I. This course is designed to empower new students with a structured approach to learning how to draw. Join instructors Steve Huston, Chris Legaspi, Heather Lenefsky, Catherine Bobkoski,  Bill Perkins, Joshua Jacobo, and Mark Westermoe as you learn the fundamentals of perspective, rendering, and composition. After completing this course, you will develop a solid foundation in drawing.

    Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.

    Brittany Scott
    No badges. No points.

    Lady with missing arm

    Brittany Scott
    No badges. No points.

    Shapes and lines practice

    omer stryjer
    No badges. No points.

    i didnt undestand the lesson of  measuring.

    i dont know what to do

    omer stryjer
    No badges. No points.

    i think it was to fast for me


    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Omer, The great thing about video lessons is that if its too fast, you can rewind as many times as you need. But essentially they are using their pencils to measure the angles of things. Handing their pencil with a straight arm, they are able to replicate any vertical plane angle of an object. Here Heather is measuring where the crouch area of the figure lines up to in relationship to the head. As well as how the edge of the shoulder relates to the hip and how much spatial distance there is between each.

    I hope this helps

    Feel free to join the conversation on discord where thousands of other students discuss questions like these. The link is at the top of the page

    Rachael Shaw
    No badges. No points.


    Are we supposed to upload our assignments here?


    Ariadne Silva
    No badges. No points.


    Dean Mougianis
    No points.

    You know, I’ve been exposed to this “use your pencil to measure” technique my whole life and this is the first time I actually see how well it works and how valuable it is.  Maybe it was just time for me to finally get it – but more likely it’s how the instructor took her time and really went into some depth.  I’m working on the assignments and it’s the first time my drawings have genuine accuracy and look like the thing I’m trying to sketch.  It’s like there’s a kind of tipping point – less accurate and they just look amateurish.  Just a little more accurate and suddenly they take on a real depth and reality.  Kind of magical.

    Anyway, thanks for teaching so well.

    No points.

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