A Beginner’s Guide to Drawing | Lesson 4: Applying the Basics

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  • #674573
    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    John, You’re right. I was wrong. There was some content missing. What happened was we did a re-edit and changed the chapter structure but it wasn’t updating on the page. It should now be fixed! Please let me know if it’s working for you. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and my apologies for missing the mark.


    John Riley
    No badges. No points.

    Thank You, Thanks You, so much!

    John Riley
    No badges. No points.

    Thank You, Thanks You, so. much!

    Nir Mesica
    No badges. No points.

    Hey, I have a question regarding chapter 11. Does the 2 center line of the ellipse needs to go through the two VPs?



    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Nir, I think I understand your question, but to be clear, can you send the chapter and time code you are referring to?

    Susan BSusan B
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    In Lesson 4, part 11:Basic Form Drawing:Household Objects, Chris talks about drawing through to the vanishing point. I am confused as to what this means. I know that you continue your lines out, but how can I tell where the vanishing point is, or at what angle the lines converge? Thanks. Susan B.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Susan BSusan B. Reason: added authorization to e-mail
    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Susan, if you have trouble measuring the angles from life, you could try doing it from a photograph like this, I quickly did this in ms paint just to get the idea across, probably not 100% accurate.
    But i highly recommend that you watch this lesson on measuring from observation

    Susan BSusan B
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you, Daniel. It makes sense to me now that I’ve seen your drawing! I’ll also check out the lesson you referred to.

    Brandon WilsonBrandon Wilson
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    Awesome lessons and teachers, very grateful to learn from your school. I’m curious on a few of these beginner courses, sometimes it looks like graphite but sometimes it looks like he’s using charcoal (light and values lesson). Is there a good way to tell the difference visually? So that I can use the right materials in my practice and studies. Much appreciated! Brandon

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Brandon, for these lessons with Chris, it doesn’t matter very much whether you choose charcoal or pencil or pastel. Charcoal tends to be closer to black than graphite. Graphite also has a glare when you hold it at an angle. Pit pastel is closer to charcoal in looks, but could be thought of as somewhere in-between
    I believe the materials Chris uses is a mechanical led pencil,
    A carbothello pastel with a gray painted end on the backside
    and a cretacolor graphite pencil shaped solid stick (you wont be able to see the wood at the sharpened end)
    Bill uses a variety of materials, but he talks you through it.
    at 2:54 of Ch 16 he says “I’ll use wax pencil to start, and I’ll also go over charcoal and a pen and ink wash
    and graphite pencil.”

    Brandon WilsonBrandon Wilson
    No badges. No points.

    Thanks Daniel!

    Rachel Herrington
    No badges. No points.

    A Beginner’s Guide to Drawing  lesson 4 won’t play past 5:23 mark.  even if I advance the mouse to further along it won’t play.

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Rachel, if the issue still persists, Please contact support at “info@nma.art”

    Tommy Pickles
    No badges. No points.

    In chapter 5 of lesson 4 he draws a bunch of perspective lines and says we should know them because there was a chapter on it but this is the first time he’s introducing perspective in the course. Is this how it’s intended to be or am I missing something?

    Tommy Pickles
    No badges. No points.

    i am running into the same problem as John

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)

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