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Sculpting a Life-Size Portrait with Ed Fraughton

Sculpting a Life-Size Portrait
Create Beautiful Portraits in Clay! Learn to sculpt the head beginning with the skull

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  • Lesson Details
Ed Fraughton
Modeling & Sculpture
Head & Portrait
Oil-Based Clay
9h 44m 43s

In this video lesson master sculptor Ed Fraughton sculpts a life-size portrait from the model using sulfur-based clay. You will learn how a seasoned master approaches the head including basic anatomical considerations and a logical approach. You will get a unique insight into Ed’s working habits and thought processes as he builds the sculpture from a simple armature into a more developed piece


  • Roma Plastilina Clay
  • 2″ x 4″ Wood Scraps
  • Screws
  • Threaded Dowel
  • Large and Small Rake Modeling Tools
  • Metal Ruler
  • Rubber Mallet

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