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In this lesson, instructor Charles Hu will teach you how to manipulate organic, geometric shapes and create surface details. You will practice drawing geometric shape combo, interconnection, overlap, and cutaway. Then, Charles will show you how to create textures and patterns while keeping in mind these key elements: gradation, value difference, scale difference, hierarchy, and momentum.
This lesson belongs to the course Visual Development: Dynamic Sketching. In this 12-week course, Charles Hu will teach you the core fundamentals of dynamic sketching. You will learn to focus on gesture, shape, and structure while drawing various subjects. Charles will first introduce you to the materials needed for the course and give you basic drawing exercises that will help strengthen your hands’ muscle memory. From there, you will learn to manipulate organic, geometric shapes and add surface details. Charles will demonstrate drawing animal skeletons, marine animals, insects, landscapes, cars, and many more. In addition, you will explore sketching in colors using gouache. After this course, you will develop an ability to break down any 3D subject into a 2D structure, and from there, draw with confidence.
Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.
You do not need to purchase specific materials to take this course.
We have included a materials list as recommendation only.
If you cannot find a specific material in your area, use the closest equivalent available to you.
Doing so will allow you to have the best possible learning outcome from this course.
For help with finding alternative materials, including how to take this course with digital tools,
please join our community Discord.
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