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Digital Figure Painting Livestream Archive 3 with Iliya Mirochnik

Digital Figure Painting Livestream Archive 3
Learn to Paint the Figure Digitally Explore the possibilities of digital tools

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  • Lesson Details
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  • Assignments

In this session, NMA instructor Iliya Mirochnik will paint limited palette color painting with a round brush. He will show you how to complete the artwork while achieving the parameters of this week. You will learn to build upon your skills in digital painting and constructing the figure. You will also study other students’ common mistakes as Iliya critiques their submitted work.

Join Iliya Mirochnik each Saturday for our weekly Digital Figure Painting interactive stream, where he teaches you his approach to digital figure painting. Each week provides a different set of limitations. Iliya will demonstrate the assignments, answer questions, and critique students’ work submitted through the New Masters Academy Discord channel. This event is free, but you must RSVP to attend: https://live.nma.art/digital-figure-painting/

To view the full Digital Figure Painting archive, click here.

You do not need to purchase specific materials to take this course.
We have included a materials list as recommendation only. If you cannot find a specific material in your area, use the closest equivalent available to you. Doing so will allow you to have the best possible learning outcome from this course. For help with finding alternative materials, including how to take this course with digital tools, please join our community Discord.


This lesson has 3D Models reference. Subscribe now

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