Would Love a Critique on Stilllife Paintings

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    Jiani Shan
    No badges. No points.

    I finished these still life studies and would love to have some critiques

    Jiani Shan
    No badges. No points.

    Here are the original paintings that I was working from. One is from Jean Chardin, and another is J.W. Preyer.

    Both of them are master painters, I desperately want to learn from them but am having a hard time. I dont even know which part I am missing and how am I going to improve.

    Impressions du Bord du MondeImpressions du Bord du Monde
    No badges. No points.

    Its funny. In oder to have a look at full pictures on the forum, I have to use the CTRL++ and CTRL+- keybinds to change the size of  the page (on a computer). This way, the pictures appear much narrower and I can see the reference and your painting altogether. Some main difference really pop out when looking at them from afar, which are to me :

    Fruits :

    Big scale : the pear first. Yours is less contrasted and the colour is less vibrant. By this I mean the red bightest tone is not pure enough or not bright enough. This is also true for the red part on the peach. Also, the bottom shadow area on the pear is too big. It appears that the painter made very clear differences in zones on this object, and your treatment of it make the zoning less clear. There are some clear lines defining the orange from red and light yellow from red that are interesting in this object and that you didn’t render I think. Also, I think you were really focused on these peaches, they appear way bigger on your painting than on the original one.

    On a more precise scale, I’d say it appears to me that the size of your painting looks considerably more little than the size the master actually painted it. This allowed him to put much more details and subtlety on the grapes and prunes than you seem to have the space to put on your painting. The treatment of details on the original allows us to really feel the grain of the fruit and understand if its wet or dry surface. I think by looking at the grain of your canevas, you would not be able to achieve that kind of details with the size of it. That being said, paying more attention to the very little variations between the grains, the form and relations in the shapes of the lightnings and shadows would improve the rendering of your fruits. Still, I really feel like your copy is fairly accurate and close to the original !

    For the second one, it appears to me as if your photo is not taken with the good lightning, for as if I compare your colours in the above and the colours in the second one, you look like you can fairly distinguish and have a sense of the colour. This painting looks like it has been realized in a much cooler light than the original. On second thought, I feel like you did not really treat the background as the painter did in the original : the lightest part of it is very close to the cup of coffee, and drags your attention to it. There is a clear sense to me that the main area of interest in the painting should be the cup of coffe, and the round shape behind; at least, it is your entrance into the picture. I think this is because the spoon is really dark in the middle of the brightest tones in the pictures. Contrasts draws attention. Then there is a reference between the shadow of the spoon and the shadow of the knife, that make the eye move in different directions and jump in a pleasing way from one object to another. It looks to me as if you noticed the changes in colours, but not in tone. The second point I would make is the treatment of the red zones again, the jelly and the wine. They appear a bit “flat”, I mean the difference between the darkest and the brightest red you used is less striking than the original painting. Look at the bottom right part of the glass of wine, this red is really close to an orange and is actually talking alot with the shape and colour of the bread below. Maybe is there a need for finding a brighter pigment ? Or I don’t really know as I am not a painter myself.

    Sorry for only pointing out the mistakes I see, as not being a painter myself I would not be able to actually fix them. I feel like there is alot of the mistake you make that are more related to the technique than the actual eye you have for the things you look. And on a technical level I could not advise you much.

    Still, this is really cool work, I see alot of dedication and it shows ! 🙂

    Jiani Shan
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you so so much for your input! You have no idea how much I appreciated your suggestions.

    I think you are absolutely right. Are you really not a painter? You have such a great sense of color!

    I will make all the adjustments according to the suggestions you give me. It is so hard to teach yourself painting, without a great teacher, I really don’t know whose suggestions I can ask for. Thank God for NMA, and wonderful people like you who can give me so many sincere and helpful suggestions! You have no idea how many times I have read through your message! You have given me great encouragement

    Lots of thanks and I hope you have a great day!

    Stay safe.


    Diane CameronDiane Cameron
    No badges. No points.

    Really beautiful work! What strikes me about the one with the cup is that the top left of the cup seems too high, making it look not horizontal a little bit.  This is really important because you’ve got 2 horizontals coming together in the middle of the picture–normally a no-no! The brights in your painting aren’t as bright as in the original, which makes yours a little bit less interesting. Those 2 things are easy to fix.  It’s hard for me to compare the works without seeing them side by side.  Maybe that’s possible but right now I have to scroll up and down the page to see them, not sure how to fix that.  Anyway, these are very nice paintings, well done!

    Jiani Shan
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you so much for taking the time and have a look at my paintings.

    I have never notice that the perspective is a little bit off and I think you are so right! It is hard for me to notice those mistakes after so many hours of staring at the painting.

    The light part is not light enough and the color might be not vibrant enough either.

    So nice to have another artist give me suggestions, I appreciate a lot!

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