Wildlife apes – open for critique

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  • #534567
    Chantal DupuisChantal Dupuis
    No badges. No points.

    Hello everyone!

    Well, this is as close as I have ever gotten to drawing “figures”!  I used the zorn palette for the baby’s face but I know it is way off.  I do have a reference photo but I am trying not to copy every detail… but it is a crutch as I have no clue what I am doing with the flesh.  I would love to hear what you would suggest on this.  I am not sure how much more I will change it as the drawing would be difficult to change at this point but I do love this “moment in time” feel of it so I may try to do it again.



    No badges. No points.

    Hi Chantal,

    I love this image! The apes are very convincing, and the piece has an excellent sense of emotion and story. The one suggestion I would make, and this is totally up to you, would be to look more at the negative space where the ape’s heads are meeting at the top. I’m already seeing a bit of a negative space heart shape, and since that is very much in line with the theme of this piece, I would suggest maybe shaving off a little bit of the white hair on the grown ape’s head, just slightly, so that there is more of a triangle negative space where the heads meet. That would suggest a bit more of an abstract heart shape, and might also help dynamically draw the eye into the faces. Again, this is totally subjective, but I hope those suggestions help! Really great work!


    Chantal DupuisChantal Dupuis
    No badges. No points.

    Thank you Dane!  I will plop a picture of this into my image software and play with your idea.  I think I can see it, I am just wondering if it would “distance” them too much and loose a bit of the tenderness.  Love the idea and thank you for your nice compliments!!!

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