Tonal Studies and Composition Challenge

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  • #590884
    No points.

    Day 38, charcoal on 8×12 block paper.

    Weekends are always a struggle, not sure where the time goes. I picked this subject and just tried to organize value pattern in planned manner. It did not turn out particularly exciting, but hey that is what it is. Tomorrow is a new day.



    No points.

    I think if you separate in value the trees, the water, and the architecture, you will have a much clearer statement.  The trees could go darker and be your darkest darks.  The water can go darker than it is, and be your mid-value.  Make sure that the darks in the water and the reflections read as one group. – The lightest lights in the water reflections should be darker than the darkest darks in the architecture.  With just a little value work, I think you will find you will have a much stronger piece.  Watch Bill Perkins lecture on value grouping and major and minor key.  He does a couple landscape demos in the “beginners” series, but talks about this concept in several different series.

    No points.

    erikdennes thank you on your assessment, suggestions and encouragement!

    I revised the sketch and I think it now looks lot better. The funny thing is I did not follow my own matrix sketch that indicated exactly what you suggested.

    No points.

    Day 39, charcoal on 8×12 block paper.

    I had a difficult time to pick the subject. The main goal again was a clear value grouping…still struggling.


    Jean CarlosJean Carlos
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Gordan! Wow, that revised sketch with the trees, architecture and the water is a wonder to look at! Awesome work there!

    Composition is something that I struggle with a lot, so I will definitely keep an eye on your progress! Keep up the good work!

    No points.

    Thank you Jean Carlos!

    No points.

    Day 40, charcoal on printing paper.

    Partially finished, it is almost midnight and I am out of time. This is what it is for today.

    No points.

    I did some additional work on the sketch, it is slightly better but not good. Most of the values are in mid range under overcast lighting conditions and I had a difficult time grouping the values. The value groups are too close hence the image is fragmented and it does not read right. I think I will just move on.

    No badges. No points.

    Nice drawings! I think the value of the bridge in your previous version (Day 40) reads better, more contrast and sense of direction. Love your trees.

    No points.

    The range of contrast in the water is too high.  The reflected light under the trees is particularly too bright.  Everything under the trees should be dark since it is in shadow. Smooth out the range of contrast in the water.  Decide which zone is going to have the highest range of contrast (focal point).  For me,  I like where the light hits the top edge of the bridge and the detailing of the stonework on the bridge.  So to make that stronger, everything else has to come down. Make the range of contrast in all of the other zones less than what is in your focal point zone.  Good Luck.

    No points.

    Something like this, maybe.

    No badges. No points.

    very nice. and good comments by Erik~

    No points.

    Erik I appreciate you taking the time and helping out to straighten out my thinking. It is the voice of reason that I needed. Thank you for your valuable advice.

    Zhi Su and Umer thank you for comments and words of encouragement!

    I tried to repost few times the latest revision of sketch, but for some reason the server seem to be kicking me out. This what I did.


    No points.

    Day 41, charcoal pencil on 9×12 drawing block paper

    No points.

    Day 42, charcoal on block paper


Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 173 total)

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