Some help with perspective practice please

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    Claire YuanClaire Yuan
    No points.

    Hello All.

    My name is Claire. I am currently going through Linear Perspective Master Course. Love it. Just this course itself worth the whole yearly subscription.

    I have completed 85 hours and have been learning so much. I am currently going through a self-assigned project. I am drawing cubes officially in 15,75. 30, 60. 40,50 and 45,45 degree VP at a normal, horizontal plane and a tilted plane. Everything was fine until I am trying to draw cubes on tilted planes. I think they look either too distorted or not a cube at all.


    Here is a 40,50 VP tilted 2cm cube. As you can see, I did one on flat ground in the back with cobweb lines. I used LMP and RMP to find the correct side length in perspective, from B and C to find D and E.

    Then I Xed the side plane twice to find where an ellipse in order to figure out the 2cm length in perspective while being elevated From D to F.


    I used 90Aux VP extended from LVP to find the vertical aux VP of the cube that should be 90 degrees from the plane elevated at 40 degrees from LMP.


    So…..Doesn’t this look super distorted as a cube? I made sure I stayed in 30-degree COV. Also, I think my ellipse(half) is pretty ugly. Currently working on it and do not have an ellipse guide yet. Is it because the ill drawn ellipse distorted my tilted side plane?


    So If any steps are wrong, please tell me how to correct them. I think I am familiar with the material now that the general description will suffice for me to understand my mistake. I would really appreciate it if anyone has the time to draw over this diagram for correction.


    Thank you very much.


    And thank you Instructor Olson for such an awesome class!



    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Claire YuanClaire Yuan.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Claire YuanClaire Yuan.
    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    This actually looks great to me. I think your cone of vision is just too small for a cube of this size to look more natural. You could try lowering your station point (increasing the distance I mean) which I think would help the appearance. Awesome work!

    Claire YuanClaire Yuan
    No points.

    Hey Joshua,

    Thank you for your reply and encouragement. I just finished my perspective course and I have learned so much. I realized I made a tiny booboo on that diagram above. my 90 degree Aux VP should be aiming towards the LVP Aux line instead of RMP at point A. However, it does not really change the shape all that much even after I corrected it(due to the fact that everything is so small). COV being too small is definitely the issue. So Thank you for your reassurance.

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