In this lesson master sculptor Eric Michael Wilson demonstrates a traditional process of sculpting the sketch-model or bozzetto from imagination focusing on the female figure. Eric will show you how to use the sketch-model as an initial stage of the sculpture or 2D design process. Eric will cover each step of his take on the process from the technical elements such as materials, tools, and armature construction to the design thought-process.
- 3/4″ x 18″ x 18″ Melamine Square
- Clamp
- Modeling Stand
- Aluminum Ferrules
- 16 and 18 Gauge Aluminum Wire
- Needle Nose Pliers
- Calipers
- Roma Plastilina No. 1
- Wood Modeling Tools
- Metal Ruler
New Masters Academy
16182 Gothard St
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
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