Ryan’s 100 day Sketching Callenge

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Ryan’s 100 day Sketching Callenge

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  • #519278
    No points.

    Day 001


    I’m not yet a paying member of NMA, I plan to soon but first I want to tighten up I ability to work on the fundamental so as to not feel entirely inadequate. But I still want to participate in the 100 day challenge…

    Alright, here’s the rube, I want to improve my drawings, yet dispute my efforts thus far, I find myself only a hairs line above the quintessential stick man. It’s a large reason I decided to join NMA (soon)  I look at some of the artists on here and the works they create and I am intimidated to even think myself to be able to share the same space. But here I am committed to following my desires and to learn from my fellow artist, to not be intimidated but inspired by the teaches and videos and works of art.

    I thought a lot about this challenge and just how I want to approach it. At first I wanted to jump strait into something that would challenge my abilities beyond my limits. (which is not very far at this point) but with the limited time I have available, I thought it would be best to focus on something that I can practice anywhere with short burst of time and then work on the more difficult pieces as time and situation permits.

    With that being said, for my 100 day challenge I pledge to sketch something from my life everyday using a variety of pencils and pens.

    I want to do to draw things as I see them, not always as they are but as I imaging they could be, Building both my sketching, imagination and creativity at the same time. All while using various  techniques.


    Here is my first day, a small lamp on the desk next to me. To be honest I didn’t want to post this. I’m not particularly happy with it but I also want to be honest here and not only for myself but to those who take the time to check out my personal challenge. This is me. This is where I am at right here and now.  Perhaps Leonardo Da Vinci has a similar sketch in his early days?

    No points.

    Looks like I rushed the and misspelled the word Challenge in the title … is there a way to fix that?

    No points.

    Here is a sketch of an apple and a tin can. I tried to work with shading more but I feel I over worked them.

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