Russian Drawing Course Part 20: Cast of the Eye

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  • #2006259
    Dev Nguyen
    No badges. No points.

    Critiques welcome. I feel like my hatching is kind of all over the place and my shadows ended up being a little too dark?

    Maximilian Koch
    No badges. No points.

    I really love how you can See the strokes of the pencil when Iliya lays in Tone. A bit like hatching but without Lifting the pencil of the paper. But i cant achieve that. I am not Sure if its because my paper is not smooth enough or its some other cause. I tried to change the angle and pressure of the pencil while laying in Tone but you cant See the strokes like in your drawings. I am using strathmore400 drawing paper. Hope someone knows if its the paper or me

    Gwen Russell
    No badges. No points.

    I had this same issue and for me it ended up being the pencil I was using (2B). I was getting nice flat tones with it but I couldn’t get my hatch marks to show. I am experimenting with HB, H, and B pencils now and having more luck. I’ll be very interested to see what other people suggest as well. 🙂

    No badges. No points.

    I did the cast drawing course last year but thought I could add to the conversation. Maximillian, I agree with you about Iliya’s strokes. They are so elegant! He’s amazing. I’m not sure if you are doing this, but during his courses I found it very helpful to draw along with him in real time. Although it was still a challenge to achieve the same effect with my own strokes, I learned so much. I also used Strathmore 400 paper for the assignments, and like Gwen I found I was able to get a cleaner line with harder pencils. I think I used mostly H and HB to lay in the drawing and build up tone and then I went back in with a 2B pencil for some of the shading. I had posted my drawings on the Open Critique when I did them, but I’ll post the eye study here in case it might be helpful. I thought your drawing was very well done! Nice work!David's Eye

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by JanJan.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by JanJan.
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