@pillsea_art Figured this would fill my Yale need.

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home Forums Start Here: Introduce Yourself! @pillsea_art Figured this would fill my Yale need.

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  • #339984
    Candra WyattCandra Wyatt
    No points.
    • Hello anyone and everyone, NOT Sure  how active this area is. Or the site. BUT WHY NOT. looks good and organized and I got some corners I wanted to cut on college classes. Been there spent that. 10 years since high school,  10 years experience road in a small rural north east Texas town of Paris,Texas.  I am a 5 year fresh (wildwestofartist) Tattooer. Didn’t see that coming. Lived a life out hey on money accounts while I try to make money doing art. So here I am 30 and teaching myself at self pace. Always a painter. I do murals, windows, canvas. All mediums. Just playing everything out. So Hello. Very pleased to be here, hope it works out.  – Candra Wyatt @pillsea_art
    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Welcome, Candra!

    I have taught several tattoo artists over the years and I know that there are more than a few here on our site.

    The learning resources are here but of course you have to put the work in.

    I look forward to seeing your progress.

    Please be sure to share your work here or on social media with #pathtomastery


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