Perspective 3: Referencing, Scene Set-Ups, and Ellipses

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  • #143150
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
    No badges. No points.

    In the third lesson in Erik Olson’s perspective series, Erik demonstrates more complex referencing methods considering both 1 and 2 point perspective together in views. Many of the picture set-ups exhibit “in picture” methods that allow the artist to stay within the scene frame to achieve accurate diminishment. You will also learn about Camera frame behavior in relation to artistic compositional decision making, as well as the use of ellipses. These ideas are further demonstrated in a basic 3-D program walk through.


    • 45-45-90 Transparent Triangle Ruler
    • 30-60-90 Transparent Triangle Ruler
    • Alvin Pro-Matic Lead Holder – 2H Lead
    • Alvin Rotary Lead Pointer
    • T-Square Ruler
    • Protractor
    • Prismacolor Verithin Colored Pencil – Red/Blue
    • Paintbrush
    • Kneaded Eraser
    • Hard Eraser
    • Helix Technical Compass
    Alex Brown
    No badges. No points.

    Question regarding ellipses. Perspective 3, lesson 13-14:

    If I start a perspective drawing and all my squares are real squares(as in, they all go to the designated 45 degree mp), can my ellipse fit in a non-square( rectangle shape in perspective but not going to the 45 degree mp). I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it but it appears that it doesn’t work that way.

    So I guess my question really is, can only a real square in perspective house an accurate ellipse?

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    You can build an ellipse into any rectangle. It doesn’t have to be a perfect square. See Iliya’s Russian fundamentals lesson on drawing a cylinder in perspective. The technique he shows for drawing ellipses can be used in any rectangle.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo.
    Niño AcademiaNiño Academia
    No badges. No points.

    Oof, I wish there were still subtitles in this chapter cuz I have difficulty in making sense of the words especially if there’s too many background noises that divides my ears focus (environment noise around me). •́ ‿ ,•̀

    Daniel DaigleDaniel Daigle
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Nino Academia, We are working on the subtitles as we speak 🙂
    They will be out shortly

    Siddharth upadhyaya
    No badges. No points.

    hello, can we have assignments with the lectures. It will help us a lot, please.

    Lucas Bigorenski
    No badges. No points.


    Where’s the supplementary file Erik mentions on the third chapter of lesson 3?

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