Myriam’s 100 Days; portrait, heads

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  • #553809
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    After my frustration yesterday, the stained face, today I wanted to take it easy and draw something quick. I like it when a drawing looks like it’s been done quickly and easily. I love to see the masters sketches, for example. But, anyway, I don’t know how to do that.
    (Graphite. A model from the internet. Two hours, more or less)

    Iliya MirochnikIliya Mirochnik
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    Hi Myriam,

    I really like this portrait, it reminds me of some of Antonio Lopez Garcia’s wonderful graphite drawings. There’s a lovely interplay the linear quality and the tonal masses, making the lines read like a logical extension of the tone. I can recommend a few things. For one, in a portrait where wrinkles are playing a structural and characteristic role, try to divide the wrinkles into those 2 categories. Find the ones that exaggerate and enhance the skeletal and muscular structural forms. And then find the folds in-between those structural ones but accentuate them slightly less and fine as much variation there as possible. I think the earring could’ve been darker with the ornate elements shown as highlights. The ear could use more form. And the most important thing to work on here is the hair. I think it’s not decorative enough to be left as a flat compositional element, but also not precise and varied enough to describe actual hair. I would look in fact at Antonio Lopez Garcia’s drawings, but also the drawings of Ingres, for a really wonderful way to “shorthand” hair and showing the form, direction and character all with very minimal effort.


    I think you’re doing a great job and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work on the forum!



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    Hi, Iliya,

    thank you so much. I’ve been learning by myself at home for like three years (I’m in NMA, since last December) with no feedback so I really appreciate these comments.
    Although I’m Spanish I am not familiar at all with Antonio López’s drawings. In fact I had to look for some in google and didn’t find any (just a couple of portraits).
    I’ll study Ingres portraits. I love them. My favorite draftsman though is Fechin. And just yesterday I discovered Petr Sadovski. His drawings are amazing and looking closely they are so “wild” and astonishing.
    I also love your drawings and your course in NMA which I’m starting (continuing) very soon.
    Believe me, it’s been exciting to find your comments. 😊 I take note of everything.

    Thanks so much again!

    Stay safe!

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    Hi again, Iliya,

    I think I understand now what you mean by looking at Antonio Lopez drawings for ‘shorthand’ hair. Thank you!


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    Oh, a really nice portrait of an old lady, I like it very much!

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    Thank you, Cecilia!😊 You are very kind. 🙂🙏🏼

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    I’ve just uploaded #16 drawing but I guess there was some problem because I added a link with it. 😯

    André Girão TaufferAndré Girão Tauffer
    No badges. No points.

    Wow, amazing job in the portrait #15! Incredible that you got it done in only 2h.

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    Thank you, André! Sometimes I spend much more time in a similar kind of portrait. I guess it depends on the day. 😊

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    Where is #16? 😢 It’s past midnight in Spain now, so it’s like I missed a day. Could anyone tell me if I have to upload it again or just wait? 🙏🏼

    (And where is my badge, by the way? 😬)

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    I send it again. Graphite.

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    Today, I dared to copy a drawing by Zorn. I absolutely love Zorn. 🙌🏼
    First time with hatching and ink.  I had difficulties because I used an old cheap fountain pen which was a bit dry and had to clean it several times with water, not making it better. It looks a bit messy.
    At the end I drew by accident that contour line on the face which wasn’t supposed to be there. And also the right shoulder should be lower. The forehead is too light… Etc. But it was so much fun!

    I read this sentence today: “Every time we make something, it’s a tina triumph.”

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    I’m sorry for the typo. The sentence I mentioned is: “Every time we make something, it’s a tiny triumph.”

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    I drew this after the video “Drawing a Male Head from Imagination with Glenn Vilppu”. It’s the second time I listen to this video lesson and draw this head. I love to see the patience it’s needed to build a face like this. I don’t have any patience at all so it does me so much good. 😊

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    After the “Drawing the Female Head from Imagination with Glenn Vilppu” video. I love Vilppu. And I often write what he says while he is drawing.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 188 total)

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