Multiple Instructor Sketchbooking Course

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home Forums Website Suggestions and Wish List Multiple Instructor Sketchbooking Course

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  • #1121257
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    Hi NMA team!

    I think my favourite course here on NMA is Steve Huston’s sketch booking series(I revisit it around 2-3 times per year), and I would love to see another one of these series, but maybe this time showing multiple different teachers and their approach to the sketchbook. An example of how this could work would be like how the Costumed Figure Drawing series has lessons from Bill Perkins, Glenn Vilppu and Charles Hu.

    It was so useful to be introduced to illustrators from the Golden Age that I wasn’t familiar with, as well as see how Steve tackles design problems in fountain pen and water-colour. It would be really exciting to get more of these kinds of insights from Steve, as well as others like Bill and Charles, as well as be introduced to some of their favourite old masters. I’m sure there is a lot of other content in the pipeline but I just thought I would put the idea out there!

    Thanks again for the great content!



    Natalie MontelongoNatalie Montelongo
    Administrator Badge
    No points.

    Hello, Dane!

    I will share your suggestion with the NMA team.

    It’s great to hear Steve Huston’s series was helpful to you. 🙂

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