Introduction to Composition

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  • #2762581
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
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    In this lesson, instructor Bill Perkins will introduce you to the visual components of a composition. You will learn to use patterns and values to improve your image clarity. Bill will introduce you to the concept of designing matrices, which gives your composition a supporting skeleton. You will study the basics of effective compositional design.

    This lesson belongs to the course Composition for the Visual Artist. In this 10-week course, Bill Perkins will teach you the foundations of composition. As a renowned Disney art director, painter, and art theorist, Bill will bring his knowledge to teach you the main elements in a composition. Whether you want to work traditionally or digitally, this course will give you the tools needed to create compelling artworks; from there, create a persuasive experience for the viewers.

    Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.

    Fedja Hadzic
    No badges. No points.


    Thank you so much for these lessons. I have one question about this image below, why is this Chiaroscuro and not Notan?

    Thank you in advance

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    I think its cause if it was Notan you’d be able to see the grey of Batman’s uniform n the bat symbol. light vs dark. Here the lights n shadows are just describing his form

    Noah Tran
    No points.

    It’s chiaroscuro because the only lights you can see in the image are not light objects, but light hitting his form creating light shapes, aka light v shadow, which is Chiaroscuro.

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