Hello, John from Virginia

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  • #2120411
    john gray
    No points.

    My name is John, I’m retired, and I live in Northern Virginia.  I’ve been interested in art since high school and messed around drawing and painting since then but never really got into it.  Somehow between college, the military, grad school, career, family, kids and now grand kids I never really got serious.  My wife died a few months ago so now I seem to have lots of time.  Well some free time,  I baby sit my 3 granddaughters aged 3, 4 and soon to be 10.

    The assignment said to take a picture of your studio.  It’s a work in progress, my son and I have been renovating the family room and my studio/office/ham radio station.  I share the space with my grandkids.  As for art work, I’m a work in progress.  I started doing pencil sketches then I switched to charcoal.  I like the messy finger painting almost like painting approach to drawing.  I have no idea what I’m doing but I like doing it, and except for a few hours while I’m granddad  daycare, I have all the time in the world now.  But no pictures on walls during renovation and I only have a iPhone for a camera. So with those limitations here’s a couple sheets from my sketch pads.  I think they represent where I’m starting from.  For some reason I started doing faces.  These are copies from old master paintings or vintage photos from the internet.  I’m starting with the Beginners Guide to Drawing so it will be fun to  see where I’m at after this and some subsequent courses.  I don’t know I’m doing faces, I love landscapes and I’m not too concerned with hair yet and we won’t talk about my hands.

    sketch book page

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by john gray.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by john gray.
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