Hello from The Canary Islands

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  • #2118703
    No points.

    I’m going to paste the same message I posted on the Discord channel, which was already too long xD

    Hi, I’m Daniel (45, Canary Islands —Spain—) and I’m a translator. I started drawing when I was about 10. I’d ask my mom to go to the art store to get some drawings to copy (they were little themed collections of drawings done in graffite ranging from nature to sports, etc). I really enjoyed doing that but for some reason I stopped really early, so I never got any good.

    Fast forward to 2017 I started feeling the itch to draw again, so I Googled for a while and ended up on NMA’s website, which blew my mind (it’s impossible to get this level of expertise in every field in the Canary Islands, so to have everything at my disposal to watch and rewatch was totally amazing). I did the first 3-4 weeks back then when there were no live lectures. I bought a ton of material and practiced for a few months, but I stopped again. I might be one of those perfectionists that want to draw well from the beginning and end up sabotaging his own progress. I get frustrated when I can’t solve a certain part of a drawing and end up erasing too many times until I finally quit, so I’ll have to work on my mind mainly (story of my life shrug).

    A few months ago I purchased a Wacom Intuos Pro M to see if I could get some momentum going on and I tried it for a few weeks before stopping. I actually enjoyed the medium’s versatility. I love the myriad of materials it offers without the need to have a big space/studio or to spend any (more) money, it’s cleanliness and the fact that you don’t have to set up anything, just plug it in, open the software and go. Then there’s also the easiness to share your work. I know I will miss out on having the physical experience of the interface between hand and paper/pen, but you can’t have everything.

    What keeps me coming back to learn to draw is that every time I see something I find overwhelmingly beautiful I immediately feel an instant urge to be able to paint it and it bugs me that I cannot do it.

    TLDR: My name is Dani, I’m 45, Spanish, and I’ll be doing this course digitally on a Wacom Intuos Pro M. I’d like to learn to do realistic artwork. Nice to meet you all, I hope you all get what you expect out of this course I will attach below some images of my desk and some drawings I did back in 2017. They have errors, but those are the ones that I didn’t throw away, so the others were worse, don’t complain! I’ll also attach some images of the things I’d love to be able to paint.



    Stuff I’d like to be able to paint:




    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by DaniMartin.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by DaniMartin.
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