Figure Drawing, Toned Paper- Please Critique

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  • #469462
    No badges. No points.

    Hi everyone,

    This is also from my daily drawing challenge, but I wanted to put this figure drawing out for critique because I do figure drawing in my sketchbook every single day, but I’m usually terrified to put them out there. The reference image I used is from one of the great image collections that was recently added. The technique is inspired by my hero Steve Huston, with a little bit of Chris Legaspi’s verithin technique thrown in!


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    I think you did great from the waist up!.  One of the most important parts of the pose is her right leg, because that is where most of the weight of the body is.  Without that, the figure isn’t grounded and doesn’t look natural.  Also, I find the mark making on the right side of the body distracts from the figure too much.  Make sure your hatching marks follow the form.  It is pretty good on the arm, but cuts the form off on the leg.  Keep up the good work!  Hope this helps.

    No badges. No points.

    Thanks for your feedback Erik! These points are very useful!


    Aleksandra KlepackaAleksandra Klepacka
    No badges. No points.

    Hello Dane!

    It’s one of the more problematic angles you are dealing with here, I see that problem I’m most of my students’ works. Pay attention that the leg will be slightly foreshortened, although, right now it just seems too small. Compare the foot and the calf to see what I mean 🙂


    No badges. No points.

    Hi Aleksandra,

    Thank you for your critique! I definitely see the problem now that I’ve given the drawing another look!


    Trevor coopersmith
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Dane,

    Nice study! Definitely take into consideration the overlap of forms and think about fading out certain elements to show distance. Otherwise, the two forms such as her left arm and torso blend together. Always helps to squint and make sure the values aren’t muddy, sometimes less is more!


    Keep it up

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