In this series, instructor Sheldon Borenstein shares with you his approach to figure drawing. Sheldon utilizes his unique and entertaining teaching style to make the often-intimidating subject approachable and fun. Sheldon breaks figure drawing into four parts: Gesture, Construction, Anatomy, and Technique (GCAT). Sheldon will cover Anatomy in this third part of the series. This lesson will focus on anatomy of the head and neck. Sheldon will use a variety of teaching methods to help you learn, including a fun lecture, demonstrations, and an assignment.
- Handmade Lead Holder with Cretacolor Charcoal Lead
- Faber- Castell Pitt Pastel Pencil – Light Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Burnt Ochre, Chromium Green Opaque, and White
- Conté Charcoal Pencil
- Strathmore Toned Drawing Paper
New Masters Academy
16182 Gothard St
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
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