Dinosaur Illustrations(Work In Progress)- Critique Appreciated

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  • #444511
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    No points.

    Yay, dinosaurs!

    So you’ve got two dinosaurs here that are crawling up a hill or perhaps just hanging out on it, listening to some beats.

    Good job on using the crosshatching to illustrate the forms. The dinosaur on top is done with a lot more detail and form than the bottom one. The bottom one looks like your crosshatching got a little lax.

    It’s interesting visually because the dinosaur on the top is the most detailed, so we look there first, then the triceratops is less detailed, then the background is simple flat shapes, so that is pretty cool.

    What courses are you working through here at NMA?

    No points.

    Hi Eden,

    Thank you for your feedback! In terms of the courses from NMA that helped me with this project, I would say a combination of Steve Huston’s sketch booking series for the ink hatching, and Glenn Vilppu’s Animal Drawing series for the dinosaurs themselves. Even though those videos weren’t about dinosaurs per se, the construction and anatomy skills taught in that course helped me to develop my own dinosaurs.

    Take care!


    Jim Fitzgerald
    No badges. No points.

    Your light is actually behind the subjects (back lighting), but your shadows make the light appear to be coming straight down.

    You need to pick one; overhead vs back/rim lighting and show them in that context. I think James Gurney has a book (Color and Light) that might help.

    No points.

    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for your feedback! This comment is useful because I see that I was on the fence between the two different lighting systems. I ultimately settled on rim lighting from behind, so thank you for point this out.



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