Dane’s 100 Day Art Challenge: Color Illustration

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  • #460920
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    Hello everyone,

    My name is Dane, and I am a freelance illustrator. I find myself very committed to sketching each day, but I rarely take my work past the sketch phase, and I’m really trying to work on value and color. I’m going to try and use this challenge to create some more color work, whether its just quick experiments or more finished pieces. I’m not going to limit myself to just one media or theme, but I definitely want to make sure that I’m producing at least one color image a day. My goal is to try and explore some different palettes, some monochromatic schemes, and even some limited color washes that can go with my ink drawings.

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    Day One

    For my day one post, here is a celebrity portrait I’m working on of Kendal Jenner as part of my editorial portrait series. I’m using this illustration as an opportunity to explore a complimentary scheme(with a little bit of red accent for her lips). I chose violet as my leading color because Kendal is part of the fashion world. Proportions and details are still a work in progress.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by DaneThibeault.
    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Awesome! Can’t wait to see more!

    No badges. No points.

    Thanks Joshua! I’m really excited about this project!


    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
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    Hi Dane,

    I’m a major colour enthusiast so keen to watch your progress throughout the challenge. Great start!

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    Thank you Josseline! I look forward to hearing more of your feedback!


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    This is awesome…I love the graphics you used.

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
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    You’re welcome 🙂

    No points.

    I love doing portraits too. I’m a bit timid with color. I like the boldness of your color choice.

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    Day Two,

    Hi everyone! For today I did a quick still life painting(digital) using a monochromatic blue palette. I decided to stop short of going more detailed for this one, because the main aim was to explore how much I could achieve with just one colour range. This palette was inspired by one of Bill Perkin’s colour lectures from his Composition for Visual Artists series(can’t remember the exact video right now, unfortunately!)


    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.

    Nice work! I think it could be fun to make the entire image blue and play with varying saturation and colour temperature of the blue. Blocking in the specific broad level of saturation for background, foreground, and each object, and then explore colour temperature shifts in the image, mostly in the objects to see how temperature changes across values and plane changes. Something like that.

    Have you done Bill’s Colour Bootcamp course?

    Josseline JeriaJosseline Jeria
    No badges. No points.


    Nice work! I think it could be fun to make the entire image blue and play with varying saturation and colour temperature of the blue. Blocking in the specific broad level of saturation for background, foreground, and each object, and then explore colour temperature shifts in the image, mostly in the objects to see how temperature changes across values and plane changes. Something like that.

    No points.

    Nice. I like your graphic shapes and simplification of details.

    No badges. No points.

    Lovin’ it. It has a playful feel to it. It might be good to push that if that’s your intention. Make the shapes a little more exaggerated and graphic.

    Birgith ScheiBirgith Schei
    No points.


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