Content in the Pipeline for 2019

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home Forums Website Suggestions and Wish List Content in the Pipeline for 2019

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  • #320277
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    Thank you. I am really excited about this I’ve done some Sight-Size with Darren Rousar, who studied with both Gammell and Lack, but I am interested to see how others approach the topic. I also just noticed you have Jason Arkles lined up, his podcast is awesome.

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
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    Our goal was to totally explain the sight size approach leaving nothing out. We also are recording a sight size painting course which will complement this. 👍🏼

    No points.

    Will there also be a topic “things in the pipeline for 2020”?

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
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    I’m thinking about it.

    The production and post-production processes are very unpredictable and release schedules can change dramatically depending on a lot of factors. If we have promised a certain release date as we did last year it actually makes things more difficult for us to get to you quickly.

    Off of the top of my head we have something like 20 courses shot and archived and we are editing these with three full-time editors as quickly as possible.

    I can say that the next likely releases in no order are:

    Traditional Chinese Ink Painting with Li Yu, The Sculptor’s Funereal with Jason Arkles Season 1,  Dynamic Costume and Drapery Drawing with Bill Perkins, Constructive Figure Painting with Steve Huston

    After this the next batch is most likely:

    Designing Your Plein Air Landscapes with Stapleton Kearns, an Update to the Russian Drawing Program with Iliya Mirochnik, Traditional Wood Carving in the Tyrolean Tradition


    Figure Painting with Glenn Vilppu, Sight-Size Painting Course, Painting Interior Scenes with Ben Fenske, Chinese Realism Drawing and Painting with Legend and Yu Ming, Enlarging Plein Air Landscape Painting in the Studio with Mark Dalessio, and an Introduction to Still Life Course

    That’s about 200 hours of content. There’s more and the works and currently we are shooting a new course every month in 2020 most of them in new subject matter with new instructors. You’ll notice that the releases in 2020 are heavy on painting as well as more realism styles and landscape painting. Our focus moving forward will be much more on watercolor and this year we are doing a lot on foundational entertainment arts such as animation, illustration, and creation characters and worlds from imagination.

    This year we are also going to be adding some exciting changing to how courses work and introducing some interactive elements to everyone (not just people who are paying extra for coaching).

    I am working on a new foundational drawing course this year as well, where I will try to help give students the drawing skills they need to easily work in any of the approaches or styles featured on the site.

    If there are directions you would like to see the content and the service take please let us know.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo.
    Jim Fitzgerald
    No badges. No points.

    Glad to read about the new realist landscape and still life painting courses coming this year (soon I hope). As a new member, I’ve been going through a lot of videos getting to know what’s available and it’s been a lot of fun.


    I’ve been exposed/used sight size (from an ex- FAA instructor, Darrin Rouser’s books/videos, et. al.) but it’s great to see your thorough coverage.


    Just some quick thoughts – I know you’re working on landscape courses, but it also might be fun to see a landscape drawing course using traditional tools. Sketching landscapes is often a preliminary step for many, but there are also some beautiful highly rendered drawings that can stand alone as well. Tying it together could be a Carlson/Payne’esqe/et. al course on composition (or is this Kearns “designing” course?). It would be lots of fun.


    Thanks again for all your hard work.



    Elke WeissElke Weiss
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    I am absolutely thrilled! Wow! I literally wanted to take a wood carving class in Tirol with Geisler Moroda, now I am holding off and see what you guys have lined up! You guys are amazing. Seriously! I went to art school in Germany and was NEVER taught realism. Art was always expressive, activism, anything but realistic. I feel so betrayed in a way that I never got trained in the basics. I lost interest in art because of that. Now seeing what really makes my heart sing and being able to learn and practice with your program is amazing.  Thank you!

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
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    Elke, yes we are so excited about this course. Unfortunately it is awaiting translation and our translator’s flight was cancelled so there is a bit of delay.

    The Sculptor’s Funeral: Art History for Artists with Jason Arkles Season 1: IS NOW LIVE

    No points.

    Some really exciting stuff in the pipeline. It’s nice to see some more watercolour courses, would love to see a structured basic to advanced one. Also love the animation and character creation ones you mentioned. Everywhere I look all reviews say NMA is great for traditional foundational methods but then point to other sites for more modern digital character design stuff. The more diverse this site is the stronger it will become I think. It has a great reputation already.

    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    All part of our plan! Muahahah! 🙏🏼 Thank you!

    No badges. No points.

    Is there any prediction of Erik Olson’s course of reflection and cast shadows ?

    Giacomo Bonnier
    No points.

    Hello, I am really looking forward to Marc Dalessio’s Enlarging Plein Air Landscape Painting in the Studio course. Is there any news about it?

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