Composition for Visual Artists | Week 5: Line as Visual Component

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home Forums Courses & Lessons Discussion Composition for Visual Artists with Bill Perkins Composition for Visual Artists | Week 5: Line as Visual Component

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  • #31428
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
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    We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors. In this class, renowned Disney Art Director and Instructor Bill Perkins will teach composition for artists. In this 5th lesson, Bill will discuss line as a visual component and how variations of line can be used to create movement throughout an image. He will also explain how different shapes and angles can be utilized to frame and focus attention on a given subject.


    • Conté Drawing Pencil – Sepia
    • General’s Draughting Pencil
    • Drawing Paper
    Romel MadrayRomel Madray
    No badges. No points.

    Bill Perkins references the notes from Disney Artist’s when they were creating animations based on previous art , does anyone know the name of the materials he is referring to.


    Does anyone know where I can download the pdf’S notes and if the are available?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by Romel MadrayRomel Madray.
    Romel MadrayRomel Madray
    No badges. No points.

    Bill Perkins spoke about inplied lines and closure, especially for multiple ofcal points. Does anyone know examples of this used in abstract art? Still unsure how tone works in realtion to line but hopefully will figure it out.

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