Class Topic Wish List

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  • #43967
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    I absolutely love the selection of classes NMA has, but there are a few areas I’d love to see covered with more classes. Here’s my personal wish list, in order of importance:

    • More animal topics, including animals in motion, anthropomorphizing animals, how to create beautiful wildlife artwork, etc.

    • Topics covering how to create beautiful environments (not just perspective, but how to design an environment, how to populate the space of an environment, how to deal with different lighting situations, etc.)

    • Character Design – I would absolutely love to see a class on character design that covers more than just the flat, super stylized type cartoon character that looks like The Flintstones.

    • More classes on pastel and pastel pencil – please!!

    • How to paint with gouache. I’m just starting with gouache and there is literally ONE class on the entire Internet about it (lots of YouTube videos about what tools to get, etc., but the only teaching video on techniques is by John Muir Laws. So many people use it for landscape sketching, etc., that it would be great to see this covered in detail.

    • More classes on lighting

    • Creature Design – Yes please! 🙂

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    Also, @calebjacobo, I would love to see some interviews with the teachers on the YouTube channel! 🙂

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    Gouache lessons would be cool, but there is far more than 1 person teaching it on the internet. I suggest you start with Jeff Watts, as he is one of the best at it.

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    I doubt Watts would aggree to teach outside of his atelier sadly. 🙁 But it’d be awesome if he did some collab lessons on NMA. 😀

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    @ixtorresxart – I’m a member of Watts’s online Atelier, but unfortunately the gouache classes are in the $199 a month tier, which is something I can’t afford right now. I’ve searched the Internet and found no one else who teaches gouache lessons (actual how-to videos, not just videos on tools, videos of someone painting, ala James Gurney or speed paintings, as most others do). If you know of others, I’d greatly appreciate links!

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    How to paint with gouache. I’m just starting with gouache and there is literally ONE class on the entire Internet about it (lots of YouTube videos about what tools to get, etc., but the only teaching video on techniques is by John Muir Laws. So many people use it for landscape sketching, etc., that it would be great to see this covered in detail.


    God yes, I would love to see more gouache painting, tiling painting, and more watercolors. I would love to see a similar treatment as Juliette Aristedes for a watercolor or gouache painting; a start to finish session, with the video showing how long they waited for things to dry. Or if you do time-skip, indicate for how long.

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    1) Character Design and Concept Art

    2) Creature Design

    3) Environment Design (not just perspective classes, but actually how to design environments for, say, a fantasy illustration, etc.)

    4) More Animal Classes (anthropomorphizing for illustration, wildlife portraits, more in-depth animal anatomy classes about specific classes of animals, etc.)

    5) Gouache Gouache Gouache!

    6) Pastel & Pastel Pencil classes (there are so many oil classes, but almost no pastel classes, which is also a very popular fine art medium)

    7) Costume Design/Clothing/Tools (I struggle so much to come up with costumes, tools, etc. for my characters and to populate my world in my paintings)


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    One of the people I always wanted to study with, Glen Orbik, passed away in 2015, and I’ve always wished there was a way to get ahold of some of his gouache classes. If any exist, perhaps NMA could look into licensing them?

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    I would love some lessons on designing environments and how to light them – it’s something I’ve discovered I’m really bad at. Especially interiors, and how to place figures/characters into them. more support for the illustrative aspect would be great!


    And although I realise this website is predominately geared towards traditional mediums, fleshing out the Photoshop library would be really appreciated! So far there is just the one absolute beginners learning path. Intermediate and Advanced would be amazing!


    And speaking of digital, getting someone to do a Z-Brush sculpting course would be great. A lot of people are interested in art, but don’t have the workspace or means to sculpt and paint traditionally. More development in the digital library would be great, and bring a whole load of new customers to the site.




    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by woodbex.
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