In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. Rey makes the challenging but rewarding subject of learning artistic anatomy easy-to-understand and fun. Here is the final lesson of the series! In this lesson, you’ll add the muscles of the upper torso, deep neck, and deltoid to your ecorché. Remember that this series is not about becoming an expert anatomist, or even about creating something that you can show off at a gallery! It’s about working with your hands and learning about the body in three dimensions. With a working knowledge of how the masses of the human body are compiled, your figurative artwork will be more accurate!
- Brayer
- Art Alternatives Armature (Aluminum) Wire – 1/8″ Inch
- 24 Gauge Steel Wire
- Super Sculpey Clay – Original Beige
- Shop Cloth
- Super Sculpey (II or III) Chocolate
- Zap-a-Gap Super Glue – Medium CA+
- Baking Soda
- Electrical Tape
- Circular Wooden Base
- Small Wooden Clay Tools
- X-Acto Knife
- Flexible Metal Modeling Palette
- Petroleum Jelly
- Staple Gun
- Krylon Color Master Spray Paint – Almond
- Needle Nose Pliers
- Slip Lock Pliers
New Masters Academy
16182 Gothard St
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
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