Beginning Head Drawing | Part 2: Intermediate Head Construction

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  • #29276
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
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    In this exciting in-depth drawing series, instructor Steve Huston shows you a step-by-step construction of the human head. He covers the basic forms and more detailed intermediate constructs of the head as well as the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In this lesson, Steve will show you a more in-depth construction of the head using egg shapes, tubes and wedges. He will also show you how to construct the intermediate head in different perspectives in three dimensions: leaning, tilting and facing.


    • Sharpie Markers
    • Digital Tablet
    • Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencil – Indian Red
    • Seth Cole Heavy Ledger Paper
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    What software is Steve using for the drawing over the images?


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    I think it’s photoshop


    Victoria Dinh
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    I haven’t completed watching Steve Huston’s Beginning Head Drawing series yet, but skimmed a bit forward to preview what’s going to be covered.

    I really like the structure and gesture approach he teaches, but the series feels very segmented and I would have loved to see him demonstrate integrating the topic/feature (eg.nose) back into a more whole drawing of the head for students. (maybe he does later on, can anyone tell me?)

    I feel like this is a very good, informative, and rewarding course to do alongside/supplement another head drawing course or your own exploration/studies of the head. Can anyone recommend another series of videos on NMA that compliments this one?

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    I have been working on this series alongside, with Glenn Vilppu’s Constructive Head Drawing, and the Russian Drawing approach.  Here’s my method…not sure if it will be helpful.  The Russian Course gives the anatomy details and underlying structure.  Steve and Glenn give different approaches to the construction of the head.  So I’ll work through Steve’s and then if I feel stuck will move over to Glenn to get a different point of view.  Then I’ll review Iliya’s Russian course for the anatomy.  I have also watched Rey’s anatomy of the Head and neck, but I think Iliya really digs into the details.  I’m looking for someone to work through Steve’s (or any of these head series) together to help be accountable for practice.  Would you be interested?

    All the Best,


    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
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    Victoria, I agree with Jessica. Also, have you seen Mark Westermoe’s approach? If you’re looking for a very logical “method” his approach is great:

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    Thank you for this Joshua.  I think Mark Westermoe has been the missing link for me.

    Jenifer Andrea Arana HerreraJenifer Andrea Arana Herrera
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    Sourajit Pal
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    From where do I get the images of masters head drawings?

    Elizabeth BrittellElizabeth Brittell
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    Hi @Sourajit Pal, we’ve just uploaded the master artworks shown in Steve’s Beginning Head Drawing | Part 2: Intermediate Head Construction!

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