Beginner Course reccomended Materials – Pencil grades

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home Forums Website Suggestions and Wish List Beginner Course reccomended Materials – Pencil grades

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  • #46043
    No badges. No points.

    Would the possibility exist to add the pencil grades to the recommended pencils?(Conté etc)
    As I have started with the beginner around a week ago. Since I wanted to order some recommended materials like the “Conté sketching pencil in black” I noticed there are no descriptions about the grades at all!

    It left me quite confused..and not sure what to order exactly at all. Bill Perkins uses a Conté 3B in the Lesson 5, but in the first lesson in the video about the recommended Materials there is clearly a “B” shown. And in Lesson 7 it is also quite unclear which grade is actually being used.

    The same goes for the General charcoal pencils no grade recommendation either. Those are anyways sadly really hard to come by here in Europe.
    Or do you recommended that the student should get those pencils always in different grades?

    I think it would be incredible helpful not just for me, but for other students also who perhaps face the same problem.

    Best regards

    Caleb Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    For many of the lessons, we’ve added specifics about the materials, but there are still some that could use more information.

    We definitely have plans to go through our video library and provide exact details on the tools used, where possible.

    I’ll see what I can do about getting the information for the beginner series materials for you sooner rather than later.

    Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the feedback!

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