Background Painting: Refinement and Temperature Awareness in a Still Life Painting

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  • #2827029
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
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    In this lesson, instructor Cornelia Hernes will guide you through the meticulous process of refining various areas of your still-life painting. She will introduce a strategic approach to working around wet painting surfaces, emphasizing the importance of planning and adopting a zone-based technique. As you delve deeper into the lesson, Cornelia will demonstrate how to paint the background, infusing it with rich information and intricate textures. While suggesting specific details to enhance the artwork, she will also shed light on the significance of being mindful of temperature variations, especially in shadows and halftones.

    This lesson belongs to the course, Introduction to Still-life Painting II. In this 15-week course, immerse yourself in the intricate world of still-life painting with a focus on observational techniques and composition. Guided by the expert hand of Cornelia Hernes, you’ll delve deep into the art of capturing still-life in its most vivid form. Starting with the basics of composition setup and brainstorming, Cornelia will introduce you to the nuances of color theory, the importance of lighting, and the role of texture in bringing objects to life. You’ll explore the significance of each element in a composition, learning to give each its due importance. The course will also cover advanced techniques like imprimatura, sight-size drawing methods, and the art of capturing transparency in objects like glass bottles. Cornelia’s hands-on approach ensures that by the end of the course, you’ll not only have a deep understanding of still-life painting but also the skills to create pieces that resonate with realism and depth.

    Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.

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