Andrew’s 100 Day Challenge: Portrait

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge Andrew’s 100 Day Challenge: Portrait

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    Hello this is Andrew.

    Atm I am doing with my study group a 100 portrait challenge, where we draw the same portrait.

    Main goal is to improve with portrait drawings and trying some new drawing technique and medium. Atm I started Steve Huston his lesson, but took a break for Ilya his Russian Drawing Course.


    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by AndrewAndrew.
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    Day 1: Here is my first drawing. Wanted to give cross hatching a try. But wasn’t how to do shade the curly hair.

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    Keep it up, Andrew!  I think that’s a great start for cross-hatching.

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    @lmartinezusmc – Thanks a lot. Might need to try other shading technique too. But cross hatching is fun.

    Here my drawing for the 2nd day.

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    3rd day – Back to my cross hatching. Do you guys now any oldmasters who uses cross hatching for shading?

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    Day 4 – Got the proportions for the nose wrong. Realized after I started to shade.

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    Hi Andrew,

    You can look at Rembrandt’s portrait etchings for cross hatching.  He is just so killer!  and Jean Baptist Greuze.  Check them out.  Good luck!!

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    Hi Andrew

    You could have a look at Albrecht Dürer’s drawings and etchings as well – he used lots of hatching/cross-hatching.  Good luck with the challenge!



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    Day 5 – First time using charcoal. I might try out different mediums. Kinda interesting how it works and how well it smudges. Thanks my left hand.

    @Erikdennes – Thanks I will check them out. Looks like Jean Bapist Greuze has some amazing clean hatching. I might try to copy some of his works. The sketch style from Rembrand looks nice and simple.
    @Erin – His animal studies looks nice. It will be a good reference for the future. Thanks also.

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    Day 6 – Sketched the work first and tried using a felt pen for the sketch/crosshatching and a permanent marker for the hair and clothes.

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    Day 7 – First time using the pastel pencil and toned paper, I liked the white color for the highlights. I think I will give watercolors a try.  Then stick with 2-3 drawing materials for drawing.

    Might give charcoal another shot. Kinda hard to use that medium.

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    Day 8 – Tried to draw a kid, but it turned out to be pretty old. Realized I also can’t even draw frills and flowers. Will draw this again as my 100th portrait.

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    Day 9 – Trying out charcoal again. Still not used to the shading style. But I like how the face turned out. Still need to learn how to shade hairs and add texture with charcoal.

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    Hi Andrew,

    I for myself put charcoal to the side for the moment but if it’s about rendering in charcoal I would suggest Steve Huston’s and maybe Chris Legaspi’s videos about rendering in charcoal. I assume you already did but just in case 😁👍

    If I’m correct Chris learned from Steve and they both have a similar but beautiful style of charcoal rendering. Their way of teaching also goes hand in hand since both articulate the principles in a simple way while I found Chris’s teaching to be more simple/beginner friendly and Steve on the other hand really goes in depth.

    Good luck 👍👋

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    Weird the upload of day 10 didn’t work. I tried Chris Legasp but I skipped the last charcoal lessons, because wasn’t a fan of the process and wanted to clear Steve and Ilya his lessons first, but i took a break from them after I found there were lesson from Sheldon.  So I went back to the basics and will try later again or give Villpu a try.


    Day 10 – Drawing with a pen. Like the sketchy stuff and where I can’t erase the drawing.

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