Alex’s 100 day art challenge

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    @gordanknezic Hi gordon, thanks for your kind words. firstly these drawings are really quite small, Im using that weird square 10×10 inch paperchase scrapbook that Steve Huston recommends to practice in (because its cheap and acid free). Dynamic sketching, I suppose is Peter Han’s philosophy and method of teaching the early fundamentals of drawing, which has basically become a professional standard for teaching the initial sketching fundamentals at schools such as Art Centre, Brainstorm, Synstudio, and FZD Design school (the most successful schools with highest employment rates for art in the world). You could follow his courses Dynamic Sketching 1 and 2 (but theyre expensive), or you can get short versions of it being taught by some of his alumni on gumroad for much cheaper, a mere fraction of the cost OR you could use drawabox, which  is free but has much heavier focus on perspective and strays away from it a bit really. you can also get Peter Han’s book the Dynamic bible to accompany your learning, it shows break down of his method, how to approach certain things like plants and animals to get the thought process of drawing in this manner into your mindset whilst drawing. If I had to boil it down, dynamic sketching is the process of either abstracting a complex shape into a combination of any of the 5 basic 3d shapes and giving the form a centre line in order to wrap contour lines around it, or breaking a subject down into 3d shapes with proportional relationships whilst eyeing perspective. The exercises are designed to change your thinking and approach to sketching. The idea is that once you draw something a couple times youll be able to sketch it and adjust it from memory, youll be able to also design and create your own interesting forms from you imagination, as you can see above I have combined a number of plants together into a new form that looks pretty interesting and believable, I was able to sketch that monkey without reference etc, heck Ive never even drawn a monkey before I just went for it. Basically these dynamic sketching exercises get you thinking in volumes rather than flat shapes. for example, when measuring now, I dont check the angles of the outside edge of an arm, I treat the arm as a cylinder and measure the angle of the long axis of that cylinder. Its more of a thinking process that makes it different to regular sketching. I hope this helps!

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    @stuart-1188 thanks man. yeah, I recommend it. it improves the drawing and visualisation skills

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    redesign project, part of dynamic sketching. Work in progress. Might finish tomorrow.

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    4 minute gesture drawings

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    been working on this mother- of a perspective course again. think Ill be doing some every day now, got 103 hours left. I plan on doing it mostly on paper and sticking it into an A3 sketchbook and Ill pad out the notes a bit to have my own perspective manual to refer back to in words and terms I understand. 🙂

    Gordan Knezic
    No points.

    Thank you Alex for taking the time and explaining the dynamic sketching. It sounds as a very interesting concept. NMA suppose to introduce dynamic sketching course in 2021 so I will be looking it up. For now I have plenty on my plate to deal with :).

    I love your gesture figures, very expressive! Are those from imagination or from photographs? It is amazing that you can put that much information in just 2-4 minutes. For me that is way too fast. I mean I can put together gesture in 2-4 minutes that will hold, but it does not have nowhere near as much information as yours. Keep up good work!

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    @gordanknezic Hi Gordan, youre welcome, happy to help. For gesture, it just speeds up when you start learning some anatomy and practice the proportions a bit in general figure drawing. I also found Steve Huston’s figure drawing course really sped up my figure drawing too, I did glen vilppu’s gesture course too, I use some of that, some of it I dont. It was a bit of a mixed bag. 4 minutes is a bit too fast for me as well at the moment, going to do 8 minute figures for the time being 🙂

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    another update on the flower redesign. today was day 65.

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    worked on this a bit more. really pleased with the sketches. wish I had played with the shape a bit more. also struggling with rendering so will probably study that at some point, I think I will move on for now.

    Gordan Knezic
    No points.

    Great work Alex, I really enjoy looking at your sketches! They are so inviting and lively!

    No points.

    Nice work Alex.  These are looking good.  I just got Peter Han’s book and am going to be having a go at some of this stuff myself.  You have further inspired me to get busy with it.

    Gordan Knezic
    No points.

    What is the title of the book if you don’t mind me asking and where can it be purchased? If it is “Dynamic Bible” I am not sure where to get it? Thanks

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Gordan Knezic.
Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 284 total)

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